Jan 20, 2008 19:42
Anyone here experienced with growing/maintaining bonzai trees? I was given a Bonzai Ligustrum as a present, and despite researching a little online - am somewhat confused by how to care for it. It seems that root cutting/re-potting is a good idea, but I'm scared.
My main concern is a large root that is growing outside of the soil, in a loop - connecting from the base of the tree, circling around one side of it and then into the soil with some small hair roots growing off it in open air. Should I cut that off before spring, or leave it? It looks too thick to wind into the soil, but I feel like I'd be cutting an artery or something.
The roots seem quite tight inside, and I think it may need the old soil combing out, and new soil adding. I know they only require a shallow ceramic pot, and I'd like to keep it in its current pot - as they seem to cope ok. with little room.
I'm just scared that if I prune some of its root base I'll kill it.
That's all from me today.