The weeks of late are going by rather rapidly, but also imporiving - slowly, but meaningfully. The start of the week was tiring and my job felt harder to cope with than usual, but I have my more long term future to act upon now. Applications for Master degrees need to be written, with a personal statement to draft next week. It all feels a dream away, but I shan't keep writing here about how insecure I feel about it all. Repetative, dull and also potentially a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think I have accepted I will be trying to get my own way, even if it turns out that I don't succeed!
Very much looking forward to moving into M's flat next weekend. Beginning packing. All feels more real now, and definfitely the change I need.
Watched The Eye recently - oriental psychological horror. Unlike most of the movies I have seen from that genre (bar The Ring), I understood the plot for a change. More narrative than horror - beautifully filmed. A girl has a cornea transplant and is able to foretell death, like her donor before her. Raw emotion and simple but effective photography, free of excessively polished effects or over-the-top supernatural beings. There were moments of spookiness, but they took the form of shadows, corner-of-eye visions, dreams and semi-conscious perceptions.
Otherwise, influnce of Mercury Direct or otherwise - I've regained consistent communciation with friends and family members, recieving some lovely phone calls and spent last weekend with
villainny. Also spent a little time sketching leaves, cooking with Matt, and discovering new music. Beginning to wander the craft stalls of the Christmas markets and yearn for home made preserves, cheeses and wines. Walking in the rain after helping out at RSPB, warm and snuggly. Simple pleasures.
Also got tickets for NIN on march 8th, a day before M's birthday, in London, so I shall be booking a hotel for a few nights of London fun. Museums, galleries, and perhaps introducing Matt to some old London pub haunts....Perhaps we can find more live music happening for that weekend. And I am going to see Matthew Bourne's all-male production of
Swan Lake for a matinee on 17th December for
villainny's birthday. This makes me very happy indeed, as I am a ballet virgin..
I really should learn to make smaller, more frequent posts. When I actually have a more reliable connection as of next weekend, I shall endevour to change my posting habits and get some photos up. Expect bombardment of images!
Have a good weekend all. Mine begins with pasta and homemade spinach & cheese sauce, italian wine and Excalibur dvd.
I shall leave you with pretty male swans for your viewing pleasure....