I'm listening to the Battlestar Galactica soundtrack right now. Season 3 in specific. And I just experienced a huge wave of nostalgia. BSG was my gateway into livejournal society. I made 2 of my bestest friends ever through this fandom. I miss this show and the great community it inspired terribly. Maybe I'll do a rewatch someday
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Hmm, so my Shepards. My first FemShep was named after me. She was a soldier/spacer/sole survivor. This is what she looks like. I play on the x-box so forgive the crappy cell phone pic. I played her in the first game and imported her into the 2nd. I can't wait to finish her story in the 3rd game. I romanced Kaidan initially in ME1 but I thought Horizon was pretty much a blow off to me. I felt justified when I then romanced Thane. I hope there is some resolution to both romances in the 3rd game. I played her as mostly paragon. Her only renegade actions came when i accidentally got trigger happy during renegade interrupts or I wanted a shortcut. Like tazing that gunship engineer during the Archangel recruitment.
My 2nd Shepard is Alice. I'm playing her as mostly renegade but I'm finding it kind of hard to stick to. Being mean is not really in my nature I guess. Not even in a video game. I picked ruthless and earthborn because they were the choices that got you more renegade points for your actions not necessarily because I was really thinking about her story. I kind of got lazy and just skipped ME1 and started her in ME2. At least that gave me her facecode so I could see what she would look like in the ME3 demo. If you imported from the first game you don't get facecodes. I'm one recruitment mission away from triggering Horizon. I'm probably going to romance Garrus this time around.
How about you? What are your Shepards like? Did you romance anyone? Did you play the ME3 demo yet?
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The colonist/Torfan choice definitely makes sense story wise. It's one of my favorite scenarios to read in fic.
I imported Alice into the demo and she came out looking great. I was surprised. But I noticed that freckles was one of the options now so I may give her freckles. I REALLY hope that my imported Ariel Shep looks good in ME3. Or that they give us the ability to tweak the look if she doesn't. I gave her cheekbones that could literally cut glass way back in ME1 and she looked great in ME2. But I've tried to recreate her face in the demo and her cheekbones looked awful. They were so distracting.
I applaud you for playing insanity. I always play on casual, normal sometimes. I just hate dying. And if I die too frequently I get frustrated and stop wanting to play. I tried playing the story mode in the demo and found it WAY too easy. Combat was definitely not satisfying at all.
Adept is definitely my favorite class to play. It was the most fun. recharge time definitely sucked in the demo so I will be stripping my adept down to the bare essentials in the actual game (machine gun/heavy weapon). I haven't played any other classes except soldier but I'll probably try vanguard. Close quarters combat is not really my style. I tend to play from farther back but I'll give it a go.
What's your play style like. Are you aggressive when it comes to enemies or do you hang back like I do?
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I picked soldier on my first playthrough because I had never played a shooter before and I thought it would be the easiest class. And it is in a way. It gives you a shit ton of ammo to work with which is nice. Plus you're generally pretty tough. But having biotic powers is so much cooler.
Who do you usually take with you on missions? In ME1 is was all about my girls. I always took Liara and Tali with me everywhere. I figured we made a well balanced team since I was a soldier, Tali was pure tech and Liara pure biotic. In the 2nd game I can't remember who I took with me on missions initially. But once I got Thane he was a permanent member. Jack usually took the 2nd spot. They were the 2 I took with me at the end.
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Reapers are giant cuttlefishes so it's hard to take them seriously at this point. I imagine that will change in ME3. Well at least I hope it does. I think I'm probably going to be most afraid of outrunning them on the galaxy map. I'm shit in timed/pressure situations.
I absolutely hate any enemy that advances on me. So that's mostly husks, scions and Praetorians. I suck at CQC. I never seem to hit them with my melee button. But I'm also not a fan of that one type of geth with the tactical cloak. Usually I can spot him but since he's also an advancing enemy I've gotten stuck with him pretty close at times.
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