I'm working on a big Harry Potter review/picspam but in the meantime I figured I would bring you my original thoughts on Torchwood from when I first saw it a year ago. Some of it was very prophetic.
Favorite things about Torchwood
Flailing Gwen (which happens quite a lot)
Ianto’s big ol’ emo man pain
Jack’s smile
The fact that the theme song is a jingle: boogie woogie woogie (with finger pointing movements)
Rhys’ ass
When Gwen saves the day
When someone has to rescue Gwen
When someone stalks Gwen
Gwen-centric episodes: so sue me I like Gwen
Owen in general (I’m spoiled and it kind of breaks my heart)
Owen’s squinty eyes
When Owen is actually using his medical knowledge
Jack/Owen hug of forgiveness
Ianto knows everything (no really he does)
Boy kissing
Girl kissing
They cry a lot (with real tears streaming down the face and everything)
Basically their job is just to look cool walking to and from a crime scene
Anytime Ianto holds a gun
Anytime Ianto is being badass
Rhys’ childlike wonder about aliens from other worlds
every time a team member gets shot (which happens quite a lot)
Things I hate about Torchood
When Owen’s being a dick (which is often)
When people forget Tosh exists
Rhys the housewife doormat (I don’t hate Rhys himself though)
Tosh whining about the love she’ll never have
The fact that my heart is so invested in this show (just like Doctor Who) that I know it will inevitably be broken
They need more hugging, like doctor who level hugging (ooh and handholding while running. Holding a gun doesn’t count)
Owen’s emo man pain
Tosh in general (I don’t know why I don’t like her)