Sep 12, 2011 12:37
I've had a hectic weekend that's for sure. Had a good job interview on Fri, wish me luck! I need/want a FT paying JOB so bad I can't stand it. Also helped with an off. the. hook. FIST party Sat night, hot fun time!!! We had a spanking buffet with lot's of spankers and drive by's to kick off mine and several others birthday months :)
All this while going out and dealing with my damaged goods from the flodding. I've lost my bed that I saved up years to buy, ALL my furniture. I lost all my winter coats, boots, and outerwear, including the one leather coat I had (the liner was already molding). Had to toss many books as well as VHS movies. All my artowrk was damaged, most of it beyond saving, even one oil painting that was sitting in the water has damage to the paint I'll need an expert to see if it can be repaired. I've done 4 loads of laundry of things that were sitting in water and think I stopped the mold damage, have 10-15 more loads to do. I'm debating if I should even bother with all my bedding or just toss it since I don't have a bed anymore and won't be able to get one?!
The stuff that wasn't sitting in water may still not be safe since there's way too much water and moisture still in the basement. If it was my basement and I had the sapce and resources the clean up would have gone much differently and some things could've been saved. My family and I went through this before, so I know a bit about it. But it wasn't up to me and most of it would have been tossed anyway.
Although mold is a huge problem and cause of most damage. I'm sure more of my artwork, books and what's left will be further damaged by the mold because it's still so wet down there. All the cardboard boxes are collapsing in on themselves from damp, I found the first stages of mold on some collectable lithographs and books already. Movies, art, music, and books are such a big part of me it hurts.
I know my friends lost things too and I feel badly for them. I also know how lucky I am in some ways and with the people who love and support me, believe me I do!!! I just wish some lessons, and this cleansing, didn't have to happen like this and not sure where to go from here!