No, I haven't blogged here in a while. Yes, I blog on a regular basis
somewhere else. And as I'll be covering for Aaron on
his Teen Tech blog at the same somewhere else while he's up north for the summer, and as so many other things are gearing up as well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to let this LunaPierTech blog fade into memory. I'll have to snag some things off it first of course ...
You are all important to me, from the one with the dangerous eggs, to the one who thinks liking dresses is too girlie for a girl, to the one who ditched blogging for some guy just because he gave her a diamond, to that one with a permanent reference to the ROTC, to the one with the dog named for John Deere ...
Please, y'all, just read me
somewhere else where I'm sometimes blogging two-and-three times each day. While I may go elsewhere within there on occasion, I ain't goin' anywhere.
You'll know where to find me.