
Jul 19, 2009 14:23

life officially sucks. Lemme get up to date:

In march i got fired from my very good paying job. at this point i figure, i'm leaving town for new orleans in a couple weeks, no big.

Me and Timber don't leave florida til the end of may, and when we do, it's for maryland, so we can live with my dad. somewhere in there we get screwed over on a gig and a place to stay and timber's best friend, to the point they refer to each other as brothers, decides he doesn't like me, but never tells me about it.

within two weeks of reaching maryland (and some how pissing off my uncle, i still don't know what that's about) timber get's an email from his best friend basicly saying 'i hate you, you're despicable, your fiance's a bitch and a layabout, I never want to see your face again.' Suffice to say I cried for the first time in 6 years.

We've been here for almost 2 months now and we've yet to get a job (i don't count the one timber got and got fired from in less than 2 hours for not knowing his way around the state.)

I hate being dependant on anyone and all this bs is driving me crazy. It'd be easier if it weren't for the fact that me and Timber are getting tired of looking at eachother  and are constantly snapping at eachother for no real reason. I feel like i'm trapped in a net and the more I panic and try to get out of it, the further trapped I get...
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