Ridiculously long entry? Why yes!

Apr 30, 2010 10:51

Alright, here is the low down and (not really) dirty.

Graduate in a week, pretty much caught up, last final is Wednesday at 7 fucking AM... Grr.  This will all be fine. Until my parents fly in the following day. It's only a few days, it will be okay. But my mother has been calling me almost every day with the same bizarre concerns she has about the ceremony and being in Utah and what wine to buy and oh don't buy milk I'm lactose intolerant and oh your father should be on his diet but you know how that goes and where are we sitting again (they. aren't. assigned. seats. MOM. for the twelfth time) and basically I turn into my raging fifteen-year old angst filled hatin' awkward embarrassed of my mother self. I really want to say, "Actually we've stopped drinking and became quakers so none of that business while you're in town" just to make sure she doesn't end up sloshed like she always does at any given moment.

But it will be fine. It's only a few days. After that is the real problem... I don't have a consistently paying job. Actually I haven't had a paying gig in a couple months. Yup. I've been living off of money for school. Basically I have to kick my ass into overdrive and probably end up with a low paying transitional job. The other near improbable option is that I may or may not get hired by a company a friend works for doing some concept art. Except this company has often gone through seedy employment/financial business practices, although it is being sold and may have better management...but... still not a very solid option. But yes I will take it if offered, because it would be nice to have a real job. With a set salary. If I hate it, I can look out while I'm there and at least get some sort of experience. I don't think video game art is really my deal. Especially when Plants vs Zombies is my favorite game, and it was probably created by a novice in their basement while procrastinating a book report. When it really comes down to it, if I can pay for food/rent/phone that's all I need. That's what I've been doing for months. I'm hopefully going to be selling my car soon, which will help on many levels.

Anyway. In good news, I finally got an imac and I looove it. It is huge and beautiful and can manage any large amount of work I throw at it without batting a lash. It was debated for a long time, but I was ready for the plunge. It has been an absolute dream to edit photos and illustrations. I haven't tried using my tablet in Painter yet but that will be an ultimate test. This doesn't mean I'll be exclusively digital, but it really helps with reference. I'm getting more into photography again too (I scored my dad's om-2 that I've been pining over since childhood) and Bob has a reflective scanner (YES!!!) so I recently did some slides I should stick on this entry.. but I love scanning in film/slides and making the best use out of both film and digital. Purely digital photography is alright but my camera is an entry level Nikon- no bueno- and it makes the process HELL. I'd rather deal with film grain on any day as opposed to shudder... pixels. I will eventually invest in a better digital camera, but with the unemployment and all it may be a minute.

I'm procrastinating today because it is cold and rainy/snowy and my allergies + sore throat have got me down. But I really need to transfer a drawing and go sell some books.. so I guess I'll go do that.


And isn't this what it is supposed to look like outside... last weekend:

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