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Sep 20, 2009 23:48

Worked on an Illustration rough today for a good few hours, then a cartooning sequence (man I suck at cartooning it takes me forever)but I've had a good weekend. Lately it has been really hard for me to drag myself to go "out".. I'm still a little sick so maybe its just being tired but more likely it is from my lack of social skills and drive to be around people. In any event I finally got a new digital camera! I took about a hundred reference photos for illustration. I got a Sony W230 and I love it. I just really needed a simple point and shoot for references. Also I had a shoot recently where everything just seemed to fall right into the place that I wanted it. I finally felt like the photographer and I were on the same page with the same ideas and vision. It was a fucking blast and I think it has been my best session to date. One or two may be NWS depending on where you work I suppose. Let me know what you think.

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