Who Are You?
Who are you to tell me who to love?
Who gave you such power over my heart?
Who are you to make less of my emotions?
Who taught you that God rewards bigots
and punishes those with loving hearts?
Who are you to tell me who to love?
Who are you to tear innocent people apart
with your hate and bias and weeks of protection?
Why do you need protection from me?
Are you afraid my marriage would be stronger than yours?
Who are you to tell me who to love?
Are you afraid your love isn't so pure?
Who are you to make me less of a person?
Does hurting me make you feel like more of a man?
Who are you to tell me what I am?
Okay. Crying now. Am DISGUSTED that my life is not as important as a straight woman's. That my emotions mean less, my commitment to someone isn't worth as much, because of my gender preference. Wait, no. Not preference. Because preference is something that can change with time, something you can deny. You prefer redheads but will date brunettes, you prefer chicken to fish for dinner. Gay people don't PREFER the same sex. It's just what is SIMPLY RIGHT.
I'm tired of "Christians" telling ME what MY GOD wants me to do. If I'm gay? God made me that way. I have a purpose as a gay Christian. I didn't have trouble with boys and turn gay one day. My first crush was a girl. My first kiss was a girl. My ONLY kisses have been girls. I'm in LOVE with a girl. And my feelings are not going to be cheapened by some hateful, empty-hearted conservatives. I LOVE SOMEONE. That's more than most of them can say. That's more than a lot of people can say. And I'm not going to ALLOW myself to be less of a person because I like other girls. It's pathetic to think I should. It's wrong.
Someday I want to get MARRIED and someday I want to adopt children and I'm NOT GOING TO MAKE THEM GAY! I don't have some insane, magical laser that makes innocent children into homos. I'm going to raise them and let them be what they are - gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, tall, short, little, big, goth, punk, preppy - WHATEVER. As long as they're happy and know they're loved. And I'm not going to give up my rights because Bush thinks there's something wrong with me. There's a LOT wrong with him but I don't spend my days supporting anti-idiotwhocan'tspeaktheenglishlanguagemuchlessrunacountry weeks. Hey, maybe I should. Then he'd know how I feel.
I don't know. This is just such a load of BS. Families aren't threatened by gay marriage. Gay people are threatened by families of bigots. And I feel bad for the confused children raised by these people. That's what family is supposed to be like? Then I sure never had one. Thank. the. Lord.
For Faye:
Maybe this should be filtered. But I don't care. Because it's part of a very important point of this whole day. I love you, Faye and our genders shouldn't change that. At all. You're a beautiful PERSON. You're not just a boy or a girl, you're a wonderful being. Your heart is amazing, you're beautiful how you are. And a bunch of government officials aren't going to dictate how I feel about you. It's not going to change. I'm hopelessly in love with you and I don't WANT to be any less.
I'm a girl, you're a girl, oh well!! I don't think God is going to send me to Hell for feeling something so real and right. I'm not going to burn for having emotions. I'm not going to be tormented - on Earth or beyond, by politician or demons - for giving my heart to someone. To Hell with THEM for not understanding that because I've never felt more sure of myself or anything the way I am with you, about you. I'm not going to let them closet me or hurt me or shame me for knowing that you're what I want-need-love. This is right and if they have such empty, lonely hearts that they need to attack us, let them.
They don't have this and they don't deserve this. We do and it's wonderful and I'm lucky to have found you. Lucky to have taken some insane leap of faith and gotten on an overnight bus to see a friend that turned out to be so much more. So let them have their pathetic marriage protection weeks because you can't have marriage without love but we have real love and that's something they can't make illegal. I love you, fairygirl. More than anything.