Nov 11, 2008 09:41
Back to the small coke cans, see my earlier post if you're confused...
I was in a supermarket the other day, and they were having a promotional sale on a new range of coke cans, and being the consumer whore that I am, I bought some. It's a 10 pack of 200ml cans. So now, Coke has a 200ml can, a 250ml can (that you get on airplanes) a 375ml can and a 440ml can. But it doesn't stop there, they now have the 300ml bottle, the 440ml bottle, the 600ml bottle, the 1.25L bottle, the 2L bottle and during summer they normally have a 3L bottle too. Exactly how many different sized containers to we need? That's 10 different sized vessels. I can't speak for everybody, though there are times when I'd like to, but I simply can't see the practical application of all these sizes. Do they really think that i will purchase all the different sizes, on the off chance that I need refreshment of varying amounts? I'd have to have a fridge JUST for coke products. Or maybe that's what they want. But if that IS what they want, I have a question. What happens when I want the refreshment from only 500mls of coke? I can't open a 600ml bottle, cause the rest would go flat, and I can't open a 440ml product cause for a start it isn't enough, and secondly I would be stuck in an ever growing loop of indecision between the can and the bottle. I would have to combine vessels and have a 300ml bottle, and a 200ml can. Whatever happened to the days when If you wanted a drink, you got a cup, and filled it to whatever lever you required? Are people unable to do that anymore?
Thinking about it though, the 200ml can can really only have two target consumer groups. The first is parents who don't want their kid to drink too much soft drink, which I support, but in that case I have an even simpler way to ensure they aren't drinking too much soft drink. Don't buy too much! Honestly, I saw an add for the 200ml cans the other night, and it had a mother talking about how she can now feel comfortable that her children can have a treat, but not overindulge. I say BOLLOCKS to you lady. The real reason that you want your kids to have the 200ml cans is because you are a trollop who likes torturing your kids. Sure you can have a can of coke you say, only to enjoy the look of bafflement and confusion on your kid's faces as you give them a laughingly small portion. And they can't throw it back at you, cause it's too light to do any real damage.
The other group that this drink is targeted at, or if it's not it should be, is drinkers. Not coke drinkers, alcohol drinkers. Think about it, you take a 200ml can of coke along with a 50ml bottle of scotch, put them together and presto, you have yourself a scotch and coke of the approximate right mixture. It would work out roughly the same size as one you would get at a pub or club, and at an approximate cost of $7.50, it's the same expense too. They should just tape them together in bottle shops, which is what they were doing earlier when they raised the tax on alco-pops. The new tax, apart from a fund raiser, was to slow the sale of alcohol as the government was worried people were drinking too much. Now the tax drove up the price at bottle shops, and saw a surge in the sales of full bottles of spirits. Well done Government, clearly that worked. And anyways, all the clever bottle shop attendants could be seen taping the small bottles of alcohol to cans and bottles of cola, and selling the combo packs at a price lower than that of the premixed cans and bottles. So the sales of alco-pops went down, cause it was too expensive, which only went to make the Government feel like they had done something for society. And it turns out they have effected society, but now people are merely making their own drinks, which I would guess that 9 times out of 10, are much stronger than the average alco-pop on sale, so in effect they have increased the amount we are drinking. Go Government!
So now, alcohol drinkers can determine the strength of their drink merely by selecting the size of the can to mix the drink with. Capitalism at its best.