Woonsocket Cat Sanctuary puts the "fun" in Foxwoods fundraiser...If you'd like to read more of my articles, I am the Providence Animal Rescue Examiner. My first job as a published writer! I haven't published much yet, but I'm writing daily, compiling information about local animal rescue organizations and upcoming events, plus I spend a lot of time on Facebook networking with others in the animal care field.
Also, I'm continuing to volunteer at the WCS and PARL, and have applied for numerous jobs in animal care, the most recent one being for the kennel attendant position at the Animal Rescue League of Southern Rhode Island. The only difference between that job and the one I currently have at PARL is that it is a paid position. Plus, my ACT instructor has been recommending me for a possible veterinary assistant-type program through Crossroads, if her boss can get it off the ground. So, yay!
My gran's 90th birthday party will be held March 3rd in Weymouth, MA so I'm working on transportation. The car that we were looking at turned out to have major exhaust problems, so back to the drawing board for a cheap, dependable vehicle. There is still the RIPTA bus, though, which services most of RI. If I don't have a car by then, I will need to take the commuter rail to Mansfield and ask relatives for a ride.
Major improvement on the housing end; Section 8 might be approved soon, which means possibly moving in by March 1st. This would give me a chance to grab my stuff from Buffalo storage and my cats from Providence, and then all I would need is to procure a table/chairs set and sofa. I had been looking at apartments as we were approved for a subsidy program that would supplement our first few months rent, thereby allowing us more time for the job search.
I'd like to be employed by my birthday. That is my wish. Universe, work your magic. I am open to possibilities.