Born Again Virgins?

Feb 28, 2008 11:05

"Have you already unwrapped the priceless gift of virginity and given it away?" asks the Web site for the Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast Ohio, where Watts began working part-time after she reclaimed her virginity. "Do you now feel like 'second-hand goods' and no longer worthy to be cherished? Do you ever wish you could re-wrap it and give it only to your future husband or wife? Guess what...? You can decide today to commit to abstinence, wrapping a brand-new gift of virginity to present to your husband or wife on your wedding night."

Revirginize me...

Seriously, though... while I understand and applaud someone's efforts to be abstinent after having lost their virginity, you cannot reclaim your virginity. Even if you had your mind wiped of the event, and your body altered, the fact remains that you are not a virgin. Call a spade a spade; what you are, is Chaste... which is still a pretty good thing in this day and age.

However, what I take offense at is the idea of having surgery to please someone else, whether it be for a potential partner or your religious institution. That is not a good enough reason. I have a problem with someone being labeled "second-hand goods". I don't see how this would improve someone's feelings of low self-worth. Plus, I've been there, and feeling unworthy of being treated well made me easy prey for abusers.

Would I have liked my husband to have been my first? Yeah, because then I wouldn't have wasted my virginity on someone who did not deserve it. However, I treated my mistakes as learning experiences, and I would not go back to being the naive, sheltered girl that I was. I feel that I made an adult decision, and that I have to live with it.

If it works for you, great; I admire the strength of your convictions and willpower. Just make sure that you are choosing abstinence or chastity for yourself, and not to please others.
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