So, I decided to do the Random Google meme. This blank version is by Jazumin_Nii_San on deviantart. We do an image search for our answers to the following questions. The image must be from the first page of each search. I figured it'd be better to type out the questions and post each image individually as opposed to one huge image. I'm also going to break this into four parts.
So here are the first 5 questions!
#1 Age on your next birthdayplz comment.
#2 Place you'd like to travel
Vienna, Austria!! I love classical music, and it'll be a great place to practice my German.
#3 Your favorite Place <3
The campus of Wellesley...ahh memories.
#4 Your favorite Object
#5 Your favorite Food
Kimchi...mmm yummy! It's my favorite food in the world! Nomnomnom!
More to come!