OMG!!! so im living on fleshflutter LJ for a wile

Jan 18, 2009 23:50

so this weekend i went out with some friends and this story was brought up by some of them  and i had to track it down. Now i had heard that fleshflutter had some stories i should read so i started with the one that freaked out my best friend (what better way to start).
its called "we'll dance all night" so i got past the parts she had told me about and i giggled. it was nice.
so i will have to read more and get back to you all. so far so good. i just need to finish it its not the many pages so i get it done. 
i think i need darker. so ill invade Kathy dark list and fleshflutter stories gods only knows where it wll take me WEEEE hand basket here i come

Kathy if there is any story you can think of that got you a little freaked out let me know.

ok its time for bed

see ya

p.s ace you where right i am twisted

i see the hand basket and i smell blood

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