Take one shot if:
- Someone jumps through time or space
- Daniel tries to explain what’s going on
- You see a Dharma logo (keep those shot glasses filled!)
- Locke and Jack argue
- Kate has sex with someone
- Kate swaps lovers
- Hurley says “Dude”
- You see a Dharma Van
- Ol’ Smokey shows up
- Juliet hits and/or shoots someone
- Kate gets captured at gun/spoon/knifepoint
- Locke mentions destiny
- Jack is a douche (remember, don’t cheat, keep those glasses filled)
- Ben makes a dry joke
- Sawyer calls someone by a nickname
- There’s a thonk!
- A supporting character is killed
- Richard Alpert shows up
- We see a “ghost”
Down all four, one after another, if:
- Juliet cooks something
- A previously-undiscovered connection between two characters is revealed
- A new Dharma logo appears!
- Ol’ Smokey eats somebody
- A main character dies or is killed (that includes Locke)
- Someone comes back to life (that includes Locke)