Thanks to some help from
neon-hummingbird, I'm finally getting started with this blog thing. I'm so psyched!
I'll introduce myself. I'm lunalibre, wife of the Werewolf, mom to the Wolf Cub (3rd grader) and the Fairy Princess (kindergartner) . Life gets pretty crazy around here, so I turn to my on-line friends to help keep me sane.
Today I'm pretty fried. I spent much of my time helping out with Field Day at the kids' school. That was fun, mostly. However, I'm sure I now have the title of "Censor Mom". For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of Field Day, it's quite a production here in the Lone Star State. We have bounce houses, water games, games, games, games, all divided into separate stations. A DJ plays fun bouncy music the whole time and tells everyone to change stations every 5 minutes. I got to run the hula hoop station (much fun), situated directly in front of the speakers (not so much fun; will bring earplugs next year). Anyway, imagine my shock as I hear the DJ start to play a popular song that I have NEVER listened to with my kids in the car because it has truly adult lyrics. Call me a prude, but any song where the guy is talking about how bootylicious the girl is and how she should back her ass on up to him is, IMHO, wholly inappropriate to be played at an elementary school function. Especially when they didn't even bleep out the word "ass". So, I grabbed a mom who wasn't working a station and begged her to tell the DJ to change the music. When she did, the guy got mad at her! He still did it, though. Then, not 5 minutes later, he's playing another song where the girl is talking about how she can feel the boy in her hips. At this point, I'm thinking "Who in HELL hired this IDIOT???" and "Why am I the only one complaining?" This time, I tell someone else to watch my station while I go complain in person. Thankfully, this time I found an actual teacher to complain to, who was shocked when I told her about some of the lyrics I had heard and raced off to find the principal to go talk to the DJ. I headed back to my station. So, the current song is abruptly stopped, and the guy puts on the Barney the dinosaur theme. Hmmmm, who's being childish here? Me or the idiot DJ who can't seem to tell the difference between a nightclub and an elementary school playgroud??? I swear, some people don't have the sense God gave a rock.
Speaking of a lack of sense, go check out this story about
Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi. She's an 18-year old Iranian who has been sentenced to death because she dared to stab to death a man who was trying to rape and kill her and her cousin. If she had been raped, she'd have been have been arrested for extra-marital sex. There's information on the web page about a petition for her. Sure makes me appreciate my freedoms here at home and makes me angry at misogynistic SOBs who try to cloak their hangups in religious propriety. This story comes courtesy of
BitchPhd, consummate feminist in the fight against patriarchy.
Off to feed some exhausted, whiny, STARVING children... .