Mar 16, 2008 20:49
I have come to the conclusion that people today would rather confess,rant,rave,vent or express themselves through blogs than any other form of communication. Sure blogging is easy fun and you can hide your true indentity if you wish. Whatever happened to real conversations?
Is the computer this age's pen and paper ? I find it almost ironic that i am blogging about it on here. Some people i know are all about blogging, some not so much, other are more face to face type of people. I hate it when someone comes up to you and says "did you see what i wrote last night, its cool" then your are like "cool what did u write?', Well you'll just have to find out...WTF !!
Wait , you mean i have to get to a computer, log on , log in and then read your blog, instead of you just telling me in person ? Come on people, it childish and really annoying. I am the type of girl whom enjoys good old fashion conversations. I do not want to end up like one of those people who prefer their keyboard to human contact.