archanglrobriel and
lurkingheretic ! Two amazing people who share a birthday, which makes me think Oct 10th must have some really good mojo.
Rob- I hope you and your family have a wonderful day. It's always a pleasure to read your posts, see your artwork and to interact with you. Thank you for all of the joy you've given, and the advice and empathy- it's been a privilege to be able to be on your friends list. For your birthday I wish you beauty and light and color and fabulousness with friends to share it all, and peace and zen and time just for you.
Barb- I miss you, chica. But you know that, and you also know I envy you and I am so very proud of you too. It's been more years than I'd like to say since I met you, and as ridiculous as some of it was, I'm so grateful for all of it because it brought us to where we are today- friends. I wish you all of the adventure and experience and love you can handle, and I look forward to every post, email and picture, but not as much as I do to every visit. Know that you have a home here, whenever you need it.
So I'm awake and getting geared up for Cat's birthday party. Chris and I talked a bit about all of her last birthdays, and how this one has grown momentum, but we've just decided to hang on and enjoy the ride. We're paying the venue enough so we shouldn't have to worry- so we've refused to. I can see that it won't be long before her parties will need less and less of us around- so this one I'm just going to enjoy (with a minimum of wincing when I get the bill).