Five things that...
-Would shock those close to you if you told them.
I used to beat up my little sister every day.
I sometimes say that I like something when I don't just to fit in.
I usually give up on things within a month.
I'm nice to people whether I like them or not, so it's impossible to tell whether you're my friend or my enemy.
I haven't tidied my room in over four years.
-Would make your parents freak out.
I lied to them at least five times a day during puberty.
I accidently killed my dad's favourite plant by giving it milk, not because, as they think, I thought it was thirsty, just because I didn't want to drink my milk.
A friend and I touched each other when we were about eleven/twelve during a game of dare. We don't speak of it.
My first boyfriend when I was thirteen almost managed to get me to have sex with him.
I watched my friend do a satanic ritual and didn't stop her.
-Would make a psychiatrist admit you.
I usually play a boy when I'm writing and sometimes think it would be better if I was one.
I talk to myself almost constantly.
I'm almost constantly playing out scenarios in my head and speaking them out loud, whether they're likely or not.
I don't have suicidal thoughts, but I have planned my funeral and am writing my will later this year.
My closest friends are the ones I've never met.
-Have made you cry in the past year.
My grandmother dying.
My cat dying.
Learning I was failing my course.
Learning I had Depression.
Seeing my dad slowly fall into Depression.
-Have made you smile in the past year.
My sister finally finding a decent boyfriend.
My friend's babies getting christened.
My mother's 'fox with a chicken by the collar' impression.
My parents cursing when they didn't realise I was around.
Seeing all the cosplayers at LFCC and knowing I wasn't the only sad one.
-Things that shouldn't make you happy, but do.
When my sister gets into trouble.
When my mum has road rage.
When someone goes through something I have and tells me that yes, it is as hard as I made out.
When I'm right.
When the children I used to look after would get upset. Because then I'd get to cuddle them. Not because I enjoyed seeing them upset.
-You wish you could change about yourself.
I wish my boobs weren't as big.
I wish I had the confidence to speak out about how I feel.
I wish I didn't feel like I have to be different to stand out.
I wish I didn't feel like everyone else's troubles are my own.
I wish I didn't patronise people, even when I don't mean to.
-You love and shouldn't.
Shota fanfictions.
Calling in sick when I feel fine. (Though I've only done that twice)
Seeing my mum argue with people on the phone.
Watching porn. Not to get aroused, I just like watching them.
Hentai. Really bad ones.
-You hate and shouldn't.
Ugly people. Which is horrible, I know. Luckily there are very few people that have nothing nice about them.
Bad breath. Seriously, I've been known to walk away from people because of it.
Having to work.
Helping out around the house.
Going to the doctors.
-That you regret doing/not doing.
Telling my parents I hated them. I did it a lot when I was younger.
Not saying goodnight to my cat the night she was run over.
Not seeing my great-grandad as much as I could when he was alive.
Hitting my sister when we were younger.
Believing my friend when she told me I was special.
-You want to do in life.
Take care of my family the way they've taken care of me.
Be recognised for something.
Go to New Zealand.
Meet my heros.
-Worry you every day.
What will happen when my parents die?
Would my dad cope if my mum died before him?
When I wake up in the morning, will all my cats still be alive?
When the phone rings unexpectedly or someone knocks at the door, is it bad news?
When I die, will anyone outside my family miss me?
-Could be classed as bad habits.
I'm always forgetting to clean my teeth before I go to bed, though strangely not when I wake up.
I don't put clothes away, just put them in a pile.
I bite and pull the skin off my lips when I'm bored/worried.
Nothing shocks me. It annoys my tutor no end because he enjoys shocking us.
I tend to judge people (innicially) by how they look. Which is why I like talking to people first.
-Got you into trouble at school.
Talking in class.
Always being ill.
Not doing my homework.
Talking during assembly.
Wearing my cross (I was Christian back then) under my shirt.
-You'll do after you've finished this meme.
Download extras for the SIMS.
Check my emails and feel grumpy that I don't have any.
Play the SIMS.
Eat dinner with my family.
Worry whether I've ruined a friendship for good.