Jan 09, 2011 20:38

HEY EYE ARE ELL PEOPLES I want to double check if we're good on doing the New Orleans DFRPG campaign online as a play-by-post sort of deal. We should all know by now that I am completely awful at on-the-fly dialogue and accents and also I will be hideously embarrassed and flaily about the quality of the everything ever and anyway this would probably be better for everyone's schedules since we're so far apart and our holidays rarely align, but if a lot of you have your heart set on the full Cheetos and Mountain Dew experience then I'll find some way to make it all work out.

Been playing a lot of New Vegas lately. Got hit by a ton of bugs, too. It's weird, though; I only encountered a few up until this past week, but now they pretty much exploded everywhere. The weirdest one was where Boone wouldn't stop initiating dialogue with me whenever he came within a certain distance of my character. I managed to get past it by losing fame with Caesar's Legion, but even after slaughtering a ton of his soldiers in cold blood, I'm still not vilified. You would think that after blowing the heads off peaceful NPCs I would be considered something worse than a "merciful thug," but whatever, I fixed Boone. Also: is Arcade supposed to totally disappear from the game after you finish his personal quest? Because he's totally gone in mine. Like, he's not even back at the Followers' camp like he said he'd be. Whaaaaat. New Vegas, why you do this.

While I'm still trying to figure out who my favorite protagonist is for day 18 of that video game meme, have a completely different meme hooray:

Pick a character I play and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.

Billy/Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Mical/The Disciple (Knights of the Old Republic II)
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)
Chell (Portal)
Barry Burton (Resident Evil)

coming out of the rp closet, abusive fandoms, meme

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