Dec 09, 2010 12:18
life lesson learned
no more fucking caffeine for me
I don't know what it is, but drinking coffee and tea makes my heart race
like really really fast
I don't know why I this doesn't happen with Mountain Dew, I will chug that all night long during a LAN and not feel anything like this
which is weird, because I've only had two cups of coffee this morning, whereas I will usually get something like two to four cans when latenight gaming
haha, oh wow I've never seen my fingers shake like this before
unrelated: if there is one thing from LJRP that will probably stick with me forever throughout the rest of my days, it will probably be the HTML coding for the color teal and BOLD COURIER FONT.
I have no idea how much I've manually typed that out within the past few days, but it's been a lot, jfc self
that was your daily dose of "stuff you don't care about," I'll return to your regularly scheduled video game meme after this
I haven't touched that thing in ages
holy crap I need some sleep
and to stop procrastinating things
argh why is it so cold outside D: D: D:
coming out of the rp closet,
real life