/refusing to lj cut lolz

Nov 11, 2008 15:47

Dear Square-Enix,

I know what you're doing.

Don't play dumb. I know about Dissidia. I'd have to, like, not ever visit the internet ever to not know about it. Half the active gaming community is going nuts about this game. And you know what? Screw you.

I've learned my lesson. I know I fangirled over Advent Children and it was really nice to find out that everyone hadn't died after the end of FFVII because closure is okay you guys, but the rest of the Compilation has taught me better. Cell phone spin-off games? Tifa's wtf stripperific cowgirl costume? The entirety of Dirge of Cerberus? A SOLDIER modeled after Gackt orchestrating the entire Nibelheim incident? Jesus Christ, Nomura, just go ahead and ask the guy out on a date, it would be a lot easier than your current roundabout courtship. You're crossing into Xanatos Gambit territory.

I was naive before, but now I know better.

This is nothing but pure fanservice. It's the goddamn crossover the century. Protagonists and antagonists from ten Final Fantasy games in a showdown of epic proportions? Crazy fight sequences? Loads of obvious pretentious symbolism that fans will dissect for years to come? You're probably even including AC!Cloud, aren't you, despite the fact that the heroes are apparently supposed to be taken from their games and not their horrible spinoffs and retcons. I WANT MY NERDTASTIC LOSER CLOUD ACTUALLY HANGS OUT WITH HIS FRIENDS AND SHRUGS WHEN THEY TELL HIM TO DO STUFF AND IS RELUCTANTLY FORCED INTO DRAG AND WHO ORDERS EVERYONE TO MOSEY INSTEAD OF COMING UP WITH A "DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THIS GOOD NIGHT" SPEECH. I WANT HIM BACK. NO I'M NOT BITTER ABOUT THE DIRECTION HIS CHARACTER HAS TAKEN IN THE PAST FEW YEARS OR THE FACT THAT HIS PERSONALITY WAS MODELED AFTER THE WAY FANFIC WRITERS WERE PORTRAYING HIM NOPE NOT AT ALL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

But I can't hate you for it.

Because you put motherfucking Kefka Palazzo and Terra Branford in the game. Fuck you, you sons of bitches, Final Fantasy VI was my goddamn childhood. Now I have to play.



God, I hate you all sometimes.


P.S. Onion Knight looks really adorable a;ldfja;sldfj ♥
P.P.S. Sephiroth's firewalk is overused. I've seen it a bajillion times before, you really didn't need to come up with an excuse for him to do it again. BE ORIGINAL, IT'S OKAY YOU GUYS

aaaaaaaaa, i hate you, damn you square enix

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