I watched it when I got home. I have to say that I really enjoyed it...
-Kitchen life at Camelot!!! Oh, that scene was just wonderful. I adored it all! And did fandom call the attitude of cook/the cooks or what?? (Well, sometimes I read that the cook was really sweet to Merlin, but most times it was written in fics that they... well, are something like they showed in the show. XD)
And let's not forget Gwaine and Percy trying to steal a roast chicken... or was that a pheasant? Still, very amusing. (But how would they fit it through the bars?)
-Merlin getting Arthur's clean shirt full of wine and then fixing it with magic. Granted, Merlin could have realized he could do that without Lancelot's help, but whatever.
-"You're dressed!" XD Oh, Arthur, you still need help in that department. Let Merlin fix that shirt for you..... or upon second thought, just walk around with it stuck like that and let Merlin and others get a good glimpse of the royal arse.
-The whole sacrific ordeal.... well, at least they didn't leave Morgana completely without a heart. She didn't want to do it, and I don't blame her. But of course once she did.... I'll have to watch it again some time this week because I don't remember the name of that woman that appeared.
-Poor Merlin baby fainting! That must have been some disturbance in the force of magical energy... or something. I wish it had been Arthur that ran to him and not Lancelot, but I understand.
-Oh, Morgana's dream! Emrys!! "Is this what you wanted, Morgana??" Oh, is this the future, really? Old man Merlin ftw! XD And is that Excalibur I spied?
-Lots of bits that my brain is still trying to wrap around ,but I have to say... Arthur about to sacrifice himself for the good of the world, and then Merlin deciding to do what he can to do it instead and GAius not stopping Merlin and Lancelot promising to look after Arthur and..... Oh, so much love all over the place!
-Then, Merlin... oh, Merlin. You are brave and wonderful and saved Arthur's life again--you would die for Arthur! And Arthur admitting that Merlin is brave and.... oh those two!! ♥
That's all the coherancy I have right now.
I haven't watched the new Who yet, though. I was still reeling from the Merlin episode. XD But I will hopefully get to watch it later tonight.
ETA: Also....
Voldything's reactions are the best! Don't you know? Even after enjoying an episode it's a real pleasure to see the friendly teasing of it. :)