Oh, what a horrible week of unable to do much thanks to a boo-boo in my check (meaning, I never got it and had found out why... not my fault, thankfully), so without money I couldn't come to class or work on Wednesday, but thankfully I remembered the TWO DOLLAR BILL I had stashed away. Actually, I have four of them.... three now.
The one I used was a newer one (1995), but I will certainly be keeping the 1974 2 dollar bills. Also had one of those emergencies with my math class, but been talking to the prof. and it looks like it'll be sorted out soon. So, crisis averted and hopefully next week will be better! And a friend/coworker/etc gave me a couple dollars for the bus so I can get home! :) I love humanity.
So, here I am at work, and I come on LJ to see that a lot has happened in the Merlin fandom/world, and I am not sure if I want spoilers.... I can't wait to get the eps! :D I'm so thrilled!
While stuck at home, I've been trying to write on my other new fic, which for some reason my muse has been slacking on part two. Part one went very smoothly, and then when it came to part two.... it's like I crashed and burned my muse. XD Of course, RL crap stress didn't help either, so there's that.
And also, hopefully, my friend Greg will take me to lunch today after work so that I don't starve. Oh, and he'll take me and my brother shopping tomorrow (hopefully if I get my check). So, I do HOPE that everything works out. I am in a state of possitivity! :D
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Also.... why's it cold already? I'm not ready for Autumn yet!