shinodabearAlternative Life Meme
This is called the "alternative life meme" and basically you have to fill out the
questions with fictional characters that come to your mind. Pick a different person
for each answer. No repetitions!
1. The guy you would take to meet your parents:
Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
2. The one girl you would do:
Annie Cartwright (Life on Mars)
3. The guy you'd have sex with in your parent's bed:
Alan Shore (Boston Legal)
4. The girl you'd take to the mall:
Android 18 (DragonballZ)
5. Your male BFF:
Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
6. Your female BFF:
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
7. Your gay BFF:
Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
8. The guy who'd take you to prom:
Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz)
9. Your big brother:
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
10. The guy you'd marry:
Sam Tyler (Life on Mars)
11. The two guys you'd have a threesome with:
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy (there are many I can think of, but I’ll just say them)
12. The girl and guy you'd have a threesome with:
(this was hard to choose) Cutter and Leetah (Elfquest)
13. The guy you'd go clubbing with:
Obi-wan Kenobi (starwars) [You don’t wanna sell me death sticks… XD]
14. The guy you'd have angry hot sex with:
(you mean I have to choose??) Simm!Master (Doctor Who) [OR I would pick Anakin Skywalker right before he turns to the dark side]