I meant to do this yesterday, but I was feeling too crappy. But, that's ok because now there's a lot more for me to rec!
I'm reccing a lot of art (for now).
Purple My Little Pony with a sparkly lightning bolt on the butt!Harry as an owl AnimagusMammoth!HarryHarry as sealHarry!SnidgetHarry!porcupineHarry!mosquitoBirth of Venus remix, rated Rprelude to sex, Ron/Hermione, NC17Haze of Sensuality, SS/HP, PG13To Have and To Hold, H/DHarry/Cedric!Harry/Cho I don't normally do this, but this time because of all the cute and lovely Harry Animagus pics being drawn now, I couldn't help myself.
I'm a little nervous about Monday, too, but hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm dreading it to be.
ETA: Oh, and I don't have to really mention that it's Friday the 13th!, do I? *_*