Nov 05, 2008 06:54
Some thoughts on last night.
I stayed up way too late, but of course it was worth it. Good God, can that man speak! I wish they could have state of the union addresses every damned week, if he's giving them.
If McCain, during the campaign, had shown any of the class and dignity he did during his concession speech, things might have gone very differently (or at least been a lot closer).
I am incredibly proud of America right now.
It says a lot about the difference between Reps and Dems that during the speeches, when Obama mentioned McCain, people cheered, and when McCain mentioned Obama, repeatedly, people booed. And it was more than disappointment; those were ugly boos. I think it's a very good thing that the McCain celebration in Phoenix, all evening, was rather subdued. I shudder to think what a million McCain supporters all revved up in a park in Chicago would have gotten up to...
ETA: By the way, CNN, your new hologram thingy is way cool!