I have realized after the fact that I could screen cap in game, but this is some images from the 4th stage of evolution in Spore. My people the Itzekhi, have grown to take over the world of Haven through peaceful means and are halfway to their final stage of evolution that of space exploration.
This is the Capital City whose name I have forgotten since it is a moot point when taking over a world, through violence or peace.
This is the Peacegiver tank known as the Rable. It coverts cities for me with song and music, since I had to choose the peaceful route.
Finally this is the Itzekhi Citizen. He has endured more then 15 evolutionary stages before becoming a tribal native and learning to use fire and weapons. Starting as a bacteria and ending up with legs and arms and huge brain he is on a mission to conquer the galaxy.
The next time I start from scratch I shall have images from the beginning as my creature evolves from a simple bacteria to a walking talking take no names badass.