Title: Shinjûmono [心中物]
Category: Jpop (KAT-TUN)
Pairing: Jin/Kame
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 13,500
Summary: Times change, and people change with them. They're friends, but Kame figures that they're grown friends; grown up and apart. The common tragedy of adulthood.
Notes: Shinjûmono are stories (traditionally plays in kabuki or puppet theatre) that
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Comments 2
I like the characterizations of both Kame and Jin.
It's nice that others see them in this way and not just as idols who are from JE so they're not real people.
((runs to act 2))
Habits, nuances, little signs he recognizes fleetingly and reflectively that belong to an awkward boy, before they're obscured by the adult Jin barely knows (and doesn't particularly care to know, because Kame is the sort of adult that Jin can't stand).
Kame has no 'off' switch, or rather, he's unwilling to use it. Everything has to matter to him, every little thing, including every person he has to impress. Not to say that it doesn't pay off, but perhaps it does so a little too well. He's Kamenashi Kazuya and he's dedicating his life to anybody and everybody who will have him.
This is Akame and Kame, seriously, I love you especially for writing these two paragraphs, it's really, really them x)
*runs to read Act 2*
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