a survey

Apr 28, 2005 00:23

... Name:Sarah
Nicknames: retarded people call me goldilocks. i don't mind
Age: 21
Birthday: 12-29-83
Gender: female
Astrological sign: capricorn

Top 3 ...
Movies: heathers
Favorite animals: the red panda
Things you do in your spare time: eating, cuddling, smoking
Places to go: indian resturants, thrift stores,

Questions about life in general...
Are you afraid of death: terrified. but i bet the other side isn't so bad
Where do you think you go when you die: a big dancefloor in the sky
How would you die if you could choose: in my sleep, in someone arms
Have you ever thought of suicide: thats selfish
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done: falling of the treadmill
What is your most embarrassing moment: falling off the treadmill, mooning my gymnastic class by accident in elementary school, having a bloody nose while playing spin the bottle in the dark when i was 11
What is the most pain you've ever been in in your entire life: when i hurt my back last semester. worst ambulance ride ever
What is your biggest fear: being hit in the head, losing a limb
What do you like most about your looks: my face can give the best dirty looks
Least: I'm not photogenic
Do you have a lot of friends: medium
Do you smoke/drink/do drugs?yes, yes, yes
If so, why? cause it feels good
Do you think others see you differently then you really are: yes!
Do you care what other people think of you: not unless we're close, then of course not. they probably have bad taste anyway
Do you have any strong beliefs: yeah
Do you hold grudges: i do
Do you get mad easily: i think i'm pretty laid back, but i guess its easy to annoy me
Would you consider yourself a nice person: only to people i like

Do you believe in...
religon: yes it does exist, just not for my family and me. i like the culture.
God: i believe in a higher power, juts not some guy in the sky in a robe
Jesus: he did exist. i bet he was a pretty chill guy. i doubt he was the son of god
Witches: sure
Vampires: nope
Aliens: yes
Love: yes
Trust: yes

Have you ever...?
Been to another country: canada, mexico, ireland
Had a near death experience: i once had an awful asthma attack
Seen a ghost: nope
Seen a dead person (not at a funeral): i think i have
Seen someone die: nope
Seen a car accident: yeah
Seen a baby be born: ew no
Had surgery: not really
Had cancer: they thought i did once. most stressfull 2 days of my life
Been to see Rocky Horror Picture Show: yeah
Cried during a commerical: yeah but not cause of the commercial
Slept with someone without doing anything sexual: of course
Done anything sexual with two people or more in the same day:i don't think so
Saved someone's life: never had the chance
Broken a bone: yeah i broke my arm once and i didn't realize it for two weeks, just thought my arm hurt a little
Had stitches: yes, and i think they're kinda cute
Had/Have piercings: yeah but only my lip is still open.
Had/Have tattoos: yup and more to come
Missed someone so much you couldnt breathe: no i could always breathe, sometimes i miss people and my chest hurts
Been so sad you couldnt breathe: no i can always breathe
Regretted anything: yes
Wished on a star: all the time

Who are your best friends? Kelly and David
How long have you known them? kelly: 9 years, david: 8 years
Why do you love them? cause i'd crumple up and die without them
Do you talk to them every day? not this year. we still talk a lot though
Would you do anything for them? honestly not anything
Who knows the most about you? wes, kelly or david. one of them
Who is the last friend you talked to? sarah
Who is the last friend you saw? sarah
Do you always feel understood? i never feel understood, only by the people i'm close to

White or wheat? Wheat
Boy or Girl? Both.
Black or white? white
Text or AIM? AIM
Myspace or Friendster? i guess myspace
Livejournal or paper journal? LJ
Veggies or fruit? veggies
Pretty and shallow or ugly and sweet? ugly and sweet
Muscles or normal? in between
Makeup or plain? i love to paint my face
Fashionable or comfortable? i can pull off both
Walking or driving? i don't even know how to drive
Road trips or airplanes? jet blue
Coffee or tea? tea
Soda or juice? green tea, but i dtink pepsi when i'm stressed out
Blonde or Brunette? blonde

Who was the last person....
You talked to: sarah
You hugged: wes
You touched: i'm guessing wes?
You fell in love with: wes
You talked to on AIM: sarah
You called: david?
You mailed something to: my moms
You cuddled with: wes
You missed: my dog, jupiter
You hated: hates too stong a word
You felt bad for: jsig

The last few tidbits...
Where do you live?harmon hall
Do you like it? eh
How tall are you? 5'7"?
What color are your eyes? blue/green
What color is your hair? blonde
Have any siblings? an older sister named rachel
Where do you work? the retarded nightdesk
Do you go to school? yeah
If so, what is your major? art : (
Do you get along with your parents: yeah
Would you say you are spoiled: people say i am
Do you hate any groups or organizations: republicans
Do you think that gay people should have a right to marry: of course
What do you think about the war in Iraq: we suck
Are you passive or aggressive: i'm so passive i don't have a pulse
Do you take chances: i listen to my gut
What is the compliment you recieve most? hhhmm....
Can you cook: i make a mean masked potatoes and stuffed mushrooms....mmmmm
Can you bake: yes i can. i like ot bake with david late at night
Do you sleep with any stuffed animals or baby blankets: nope, but i have a few pillows with pin up girls on them
Do you like the rain: i like listening to the rain while i'm inside. but i hate seeing worms when i'm walking the rain
Do you like the snow:NO! black snow in nyc is the worst
Do you like to drive: just the boys crazy
What was the last gift someone gave you: pot
Did you like it: yes
Do you do nice things for people just because: all the time
Do you like scary movies: depends. i prefer john hughes movies from the 80's
Are you an emotional person: not on the outside
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