OSU students, stop your tuition from funding discrimination!

Nov 25, 2004 13:28

Scroll to the end of this to take immediate action as a student or a student organization!

There has been a change made in The Ohio State University’s nondiscrimination policy. The former policy required a "Statement of nondiscrimination prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status." The new policy, stating "A student organization formed to foster or affirm the sincerely held religious beliefs of its members may adopt a nondiscrimination statement that is consistent with those beliefs," is unacceptable, allowing university-funded organizations to discriminate with university approval.

As leaders of student organizations and members of the tuition-paying student body we respectfully request the status of organizations choosing to discriminate according to the new policy be held as Unregistered Student Organizations. As Unregistered Student Organizations these groups would still receive university acknowledgement. It is however, intolerable to use student and taxpayer funds to finance discrimination.

If you are a student at OSU, sign the petition against this new policy at: www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/osu_policy

If you are a member of a student organizaton at OSU, email osu_policy@hotmail.com to sign on to a letter taking the same stance as the petition to be sent to President Holbrook and Bill Hall in the name of student organizations.

For any further questions or comments, email osu_policy@hotmail.com
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