And That's How I Came Your Humble Narrator

Mar 28, 2009 13:55

Guess who?

I kind of hate that my last few posts have been nothing more than "Hey! Don't forget me! I'm still alive!" This post is more of the same, but I'm hoping that by actually sitting down and writing a longer entry I'll be bitten by the LJ bug once more.

Things have been crazy busy for me lately, thus my long (long) absence. Some random things of note:

  • The few times I've been able to get online at home I've been saving my favorite fanfics in PDF format. I just hate when I feel like going back and reading my favorite stories only to discover that the journal/site they were hosted on is gone. Readability + Primo PDF FTMFW!
  • I bought Twilight on DVD, which was more for the lolz than anything else. But then I watched again and...I liked it? Like, a lot. Second time around I was able to get passed my embarrassment and "oh, god" moments and just enjoy the film on a really shallow level. It is nicely shot and I kind of appreciate how natural and awkward some of the interactions between the teenagers are. So...way to go Twilight the movie! You kind of won me over. ...I feel dirty. =(
  • Is anyone watching Heroes anymore? Well, you should. *Toes ground and looks around empty playground* This volume is actually really good you guys and a HUUUGEEE improvement over volume 3. Plus, Nathan is still awesome. (Duh). No matter what the writers try to do to him I'm still like "LOL Nathan Petrelli > U!" Speaking, any generous fans still taking screencaps of the show? All I can find is stuff from volume 3. Also, I'm going to try to do some spring cleaning and post making over at vote_petrelli. Hopefully there are still people out there interested in it.
  • Apparently someone got me a $2 gift certificate on LJ a while back and I had no idea until today when I renewed my account. THANK YOU mysterious gift giver! Sorry I didn't realize your kindness and generosity until just now.
P.S. FYI, I think this might be my new favorite Decemberists song. It's AMAZING and I cannot wait to get my hands on this whole album. Anyone get it yet? Thoughts?

fanfiction, movies, the decemberists, tv: heroes, music

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