Aug 13, 2007 11:05
- Eisley is streaming their new album Combinations (which comes out tomorrow) over at their MySpace. I'm already in love with it.
- I finished Eclipse last night. I may write a lengthy review later but um...just for the record? Jacob > Edward. *Hides.*
- " The Jim Profit is naked picspam". ... I'll be in my bunk. (NSFW, obviously).
- My sister purchased the best boxset ever this weekend. My personal favorite (so far) is The Children; a film about a bus full of kids who drive through toxic fog and suddenly become evil atomic zombie children who want to hug everyone in town. Their touch is deadly (NOTE THE EVIL BLACK NAIL POLISH!!), so anyone they hug gets fried. I think my favorite part was the scene with the pregnant mother who, while smoking a cigarette, pats her stomach, shrugs nonchalantly and says "Sorry." OMGSOOOOBAD LMAO!
- Music & Lyrics: ...What the hell happened with this movie? The beginning was so promising. The "Pop Goes My Heart" music video was absolutely hilarious. It just went downhill from there. Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant had no chemistry and the rest of the casting was equally WTF-worthy. That pop star who was the "biggest act in the world?" WOW! I couldn't tell if she was the worst actress in the world or if it was just the worst part ever written. Probably a little bit of both. The music video and Hugh Grant being...well, Hugh Grant were the only good things about this movie. C-
- Black Snake Moan: Confession: I couldn't even make it through this movie. I applaud it for being so unique, but it just wasn't my thing. ?
- The Simpsons Movie: I'm not really sure how I feel about this one. I liked it, don't get me wrong, it just felt more...cartoon-y than the show normally is. One of my main problems was that most of the laughs came at the beginning of the movie and from there I barely chuckled. The film probably should've focused more on some of the other citizens of Springfield instead of the Simpsons family dynamic. B
books: twilight,
tv: profit,