Tuesday afternoon I decided that I couldn't take the wait any longer and purchased New Moon. At 1:40 in the morning, I finished it. I SERIOUSLY COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN, YOU GUYS! NO JOKE! Whenever I thought I could quit for the night something big would happen and that was the end of me for another hour or two.
New Moon
- New Moon > Twilight. I understood the hype a little better while reading this book. The author's writing seemed to be much stronger this time around (although I could still spot a few typos) and the characters felt a little more developed.
- Jacob is LOVE! I didn't really care for him in Twilight, but I knew I was doomed when I realized he was becoming a werewolf. I've always had a bizarre weak spot for werewolf characters (Ex: Oz, Lupin, etc.) ...yeah, I don't get it either. ANYWHO, Jake is awesome and he made Edward's long, long absence a lot more bearable. By the time Edward showed up again I was like "Oooooh yeah, him." Hahaha, okay, maybe not. Still, I really don't understand why most of the fandom seems to hate Jacob. WTFever!
- Team Jacob/Bella FTW! Actually, I enjoy both of the main 'ships but I LOATHE how Bella is with Edward. "WAH! I'm not pretty/special enough for Edward!", "WAH! Edward still refuses to turn me in to a vampire!", "WAH! Edward is gone so I'm going to do some really dangerous, dumbass stunt just to hear his voice again!", and so on. She is much more independent/likable/self-confident when she hangs out with Jacob. Also, I see no way that Edward/Bella can happen without hurting Jacob (+ a bunch of other people) and just...no. :(
- Poor Charlie. I thought that a lot when I was reading the book. That man has had to deal with a lot of weird, random shit since Bella moved in.
- Alice wins at (un)life. 'Nuff said. I really hope we find out more about her + Jasper in the new books.
In short, I'm really enjoying this series and cannot wait for Eclipse; however, I don't believe that it is better than Harry Potter. They're fun, enjoyable books that take no time at all to read, but then whenever I try to think about them too much I realize that there are some definite flaws. With Harry Potter books, you can sort of forget that they are aimed towards children. Twilight, on the other hand, has a very distinct young adult/teen/girly air to them. That's not really a bad thing, mind you, I just don't see these books having the same sort mass appeal or impact that HP does.