I Don't Wear My Heart On My Sleeve

Feb 14, 2007 10:07



I...I seriously can't remember the last time I had an official snow day. Was it two years ago? Three? THIS IS AMAZING! Oh, and I also have off for President's Day! So if I don't go to the (optional) lab tomorrow...SIX DAY WEEKEND!! HOLY CRAP! :O

Anyway, a Happy Valentine's Day to everyone who celebrates it! If you have someone in your life right now, I hope you have a nice day. To all of my fellow singletons...join me in a marathon of all of Hugh Grant's sappy romantic comedies?

Some TV thoughts:


I really loved this episode, and I'm kind of surprised by the general "meh" reaction to it.

Oh man, Nathan actually went to Merideth's funural! And his face during that entire phone conversation! GAH!

Mrs. Petrelli: Because I know you, Nathan. Beneath the gruff exterior you're a sap.

Mrs. Petrelli: And the moment that young girl looks at you with her sad, little weepy eyes you're lost, you're finished. You'll start giving and she'll start taking until there's nothing left.


Nathan: I cared about Meredith once. I owe her more than a phone call, I owe them both. Besides, I'm this girl's father, ma.

First of all, Mrs. Petrelli is such a cold bitch towards Nathan. Damn. o_O Also, NATHAN IS A SOFTIE DEEP DOWN! IT'S CANON NOW, EVERYONE! I just hope that the writers can continue to balance the character as someone who is sympathetic but also kind of a self-centered jerk at the same time. Nathan is definitely woobie-worthy right now, but I also like to see the ruthless, calculating side of him from time to time.

Hee! Micah wants to fight crime with his parents. Adorable!

LOL @ Jessica in the elevator with the music.

I was sooo worried about Matt! I'm glad they did kill off the Grunberg. I was sort of disappointed that he took the diamonds in the end, but I guess he figured that he just can't win so when the opportunity arose...yeah.

Merideth's half-truths really pissed me off. We know you are really getting $100,000, bitch!

The Hiro + Ando scenes were adorable, as usual. "Stop saying the things I say!" LOL.

Also a big LOL @ Mohinder getting hung up on over and over again. I bet he really wishes he hadn't dismissed Peter now. Although, now we have a Sylar + Mohinder team-up. THIS CANNOT END WELL! I'm kind of convinced after this episode that Sylar takes some of his victim's personality/mannerisms along with their ability.

Speaking of Peter, I think I'm in the minority here, but I was actually glad to take a break from his storyline.

Hot damn, did Nathan look good in this episode. And clearly he didn't take his mother's advice about not going down to Texas to see Meredith + Claire.

OMG, there was something kind of sweet and nostalgic about the entire Nathan + Meredith scene. And he admitted that he could've been a better person back then? Big moment for him!

Pasdar owned that whole scene, though. Just...you could practically hear every thought that went through his head. The way he hesitated at looking at Claire's picture and then once he did he got this expression on his face...alsjdhfkjahgkjdhgxmcnv!!
Nathan: So, where is she?
Meredith: Claire? You just missed her.
Nathan: She didn't wanna see me?

THIS PART KILLED ME! He obviously expected to see her and then he was given the option to call her back over and then he obviously thought back to his conversation with Mrs. Petrelli! :(

Oh, oh! And then when Claire threw the rock at the car and then ran away? And then you could totally tell that Nathan had been crying and then he tried to cover it up with his sunglasses!! akhfakjsdhfkjash!! WOOBIE! I FEEL SO BAD FOR THEM BOTH, DAMMIT! I wish Claire had stayed where she was, and then Nathan would've seen her, and then maybe he would've gotten out of his car, and then they would've had a moment together.

I can't wait until Nathan figures out that Claire is not only "the cheerleader" that Peter saved but also the adopted daughter of Mr. Bennet. Drama, drama, drama!

OH! I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING COMPLETELY RANDOM! Both Nathan and Claire have saved someone from a fire recently! Nathan did in his online graphic novel and Claire in the pilot episode! They already have something in common (aside from the obvious)!

Awww, poor Mrs. Bennet! She doesn't remember Mr. Muggles or Claire! That scene really got to me for some reason.

OMG, Jessica has been hired to assassinate Nathan? Nooooo~! Let's hope that she tries to do it outside so that he can fly away!! I've been trying to figure out why Linderman would want Nathan gone all of a sudden, and all I can come up with is that he really hasn't been concentrating on his campaign for the past few weeks. Thnk about it: he had to get Peter out of jail, then he sat by Peter's bedside for two weeks, then he visited with Isaac, went searching for Peter after he left the hospital, visited Mohinder, and now he just flew back to Texas. He hasn't really been using his $4 million appropriately. :/

(They better not kill him off!)

Hey, wow, I got carried away with that. Me? Obsessed? Naaahhh.

Veronica Mars

Hey wow, another decent episode! YOU MIGHT JUST GET BACK IN TO MY GOOD GRACES, VERONICA MARS! I actually missed the show last week, which I'm happy about. Judging from most of the fandom's reaction to it, I have a feeling I would've disliked it anway.

Anyway! Good God, Logan! I love ya but you and Veronica have broken up how many times (this season alone)? This should be nothing new for you. Oh well, if it means scruffy!Logan, I'll deal with him being whiny for a while.

Scruffiness has done some amazing things for my favorite characters. First there was Norrington, then Nathan, and now Logan. Scruffy!angst FTFW!


Weevil actually did something this week!

Dick was awesome in this episode, as usual.

Aw, all the scenes with Logan and the little girl were too precious. I'm glad that he seems to be back to his old, slightly OPJ self again.

That elevator scene was amazing! It was so awkward and I felt so embarrassed for Logan. That scene just beat the awesomeness that was the AlternaProm ride.

I was so happy about the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reference! I ♥ that movie. I had actually been watching it on HBO during commercials.

Yikes, Veronica arrested? What is this feeling? Am I...am I actually looking forward to next week's VM? IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I'VE FELT THIS WAY!

In case you haven't seen it yet, there is an absolutely adorable behind-the-scenes of Heroes video with Adrian Pasdar, Greg Grunberg, and Leonard Roberts laying in bed together. (Seriously!) Unfortunately the newscasters mostly want to talk about Adrian's wife (aka Natalie from the Dixie Chicks) at the Grammy's...but still, adorable! And there's even a brief Profit mention.

greg grunberg, valentine's day, leonard roberts, adrian pasdar, videoes, snow day, tv: veronica mars, tv: heroes

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