San Diego Zoo!

Jul 27, 2008 21:43

This is another "Day in my life" journal entry I did.

Here are my hubby and I sleeping. What's up with his arm? It looks like the claw is about to attack me. :)

It's 10:31 am, but the alarm clock is 40 minutes ahead. drives me nuts on work days when I'm trying to figure out the time and I'm half asleep.

I had to go very know, like when your bladder feels like it's about to explode...yeah.

Oh yeah, baby, look at that sexy bed hair. Rawr.

Brusha brusha brusha...

Scrub scrub scrub...

My kitty, Funk, he seems to have a gambling addiction. I mean, it's morning for goodness sake! :)

Jazz likes to watch me shower.

I hear, "Ain't no sunshine" on the radio and I proceed to sing along...

But it "when she's gone?" Hahaha...I forget some words.

All dressed, now I just need my hair to dry some before I put it up.

Time check

I start making the cream puffs for the get together later. We are going to our friends' Allen and Alfonso's place and we're having a bbq and then going to the zoo with them and Alfonso's mom, Liliam.

Ready to go in the oven.

While the puffs bake, I work on Alfonso's card. We got him a gift certificate for

I drew little people and used awesome stickers that I got at Michael's.

I'm pretty hungry! Make a soyrizo and egg burrito for breakfast.

Puffs are done! I cut little openings into them and spoon pudding that I had made the night before, into them. Yum!

Wash some dishes.

Off we go!

Time check

Matt needs a little something for breakfast so we stop at McDonald's. Side note, apparently El Cajon Blvd. is well know for prostitution. Scary, we live a few blocks from that street.

Funky looking, new $10 bill.

Mmmm...Iced Hazlenut coffee!

Say hi to Allen and give him some love!

Hi Alfonso!

Their front lawn area. They're converting their lawn into a succulent garden and so far they have this part done. It's cute!

Some beautiful flowers in their back yard.

Potty time! They have a beach theme going on in their bathroom, can you tell? :)

We eat an early dinner before we leave for the zoo.

Time check

Driving to the zoo and following their truck. They live really close, so it only takes us about 5 minutes to get there.

When we park, we notice that the cars next to our spot are extremely close! Whoa.

We walk into the zoo and there is a band playing some sort of salsa music and there are people dancing. Alfonso, his mom and I dance a on the sidelines of course :)

Alfonso, his mom and Allen pose for a picture!

This man is painting to music...everyone in the audience is trying to guess what it's going to be...

A ha! It was a rhino! And then he painted a monkey!

Scarlet Mackaw.

We get our stamps to go on the double decker tour bus! :)

We're on the bus!


Ooh, look at the sky baskets!

Time check!

Allen and Liliam chit chatting.

Grizzly bear, I believe. I should've paid more attention :)

People looking at animals.

More bears, but different ones. I should've paid more attention but I was busy trying to take all the pictures I could take!

Our shadow.

Some airplane wrote "Seek the Truth" in the sky. Interesting.



Trying to take a self portrait and I almost fell into this pokey plant. My husband came to my rescue, while laughing at me, of course! :)

Koala bear

Stop for refreshments and a toast to Alfonso for his birthday :)

Potty break!

A silly peacock on top of a kiosk.

Ooooh! Pretty!

On our way back to Allen and Alfonso's place.

My pooped hubby

A pooped me

Allen and Alfonso's dog, Rosie!

Alfonso opens up presents. Allen got him two tickets to Janet Jackson's concert in September.

We watch "Real women have curves"

Time check

One more potty break at their house so I can look at their toilet seat cover. Hahaha.

Driving home

I watch this show where the host travels all around CA, mostly with his camera guy and does documentaries on PBS.

I upload pictures to my computer.

It's kinda late. 11:16 pm really, remember the 40 minute difference?

Goodnight kisses!

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