First post in a week?

Jun 26, 2007 22:26

Yeah, I haven't been posting much.

In short, I've had a lot of cramping in my stomach as of late. And thus I haven't really felt like doing much of anything. There's more to it, but at the moment I'm not sure how comfortable I am with talking about it, even in a journal entry. Even if it was a private one. But I promise I'm doing all right, there's just some issues I need to work through and some choices I need to make.

Otherwise, I've been spending time with my parents. Well, my mom mostly, as my father was in New York City for the past few days on business as well as seeing my grandparents. I was invited along and when I politely declined, they kept asking, supposedly, when I'm to visit them. Joyous. I love visiting the East Coast, don't get me wrong, but NYC leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Granted, I'm an adult now, and I can choose which members of my family I want in my life, but sometimes it just isn't as easy as that. But besides that, mom and I did some shopping on Saturday before I acquired a really bad headache and decided to sleep for the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday. Sunday evening was pleasant though, as we went to the Loop for dinner and bubble tea and then off to Borders (where, as usual, I end up spending too much money. For the record, it was my third time there in the past week). While at Bubble Tea, though, I saw a cool flyer for the Left Bank Deathly Hallows party, which makes me all the more excited about the book release! The flyer was much more up to date than their website.

EDIT: I think my time at home at least gets some creative juices flowing. While I've been working on my writing off and on, I finally created a roleplaying SL that I'm proud of. For those who don't do the online RP thing, I doubt this'll be significant for you, but for those that know what it's like to get a great SL idea. I think what makes this so worthwhile to me is that it's a crossover I never thought I'd see and yet it works remarkably well. Some of the plot elements are slightly far-fetched, but I've seen SLs that are much less believeable than this. I'm excited to start it! Even if I'll be playing a TON of characters. Ah well.

Also, I finally finished watching Heroes. I've been watching it off and on since mid-May (unlike some roommates I know, who decided to watch the entire season in two days!), so it's nice to see how at least some things fit together plot wise. I suppose if the costumes weren't so much like closet cosplay I'd be tempted to cosplay someone (kind of like how Supernatural is, but I picked one of the few costumes that's actually a "costume" of sorts. XD And I need to finish it! Need the necklace, stockings, shoes, and wig for Jessica still!), but this is one of those series where I don't feel as if I identify with anyone nor do I look like anyone, and I'd definitely need a group to pull off any of the characters. But it would be fun for ACen as a late night costume or something. Provided I could, you know, decide on someone. But yes, if my F-list friends haven't seen the show, I highly reccommend you do. It's very well written at points (though weak at others, but what isn't a mix of both?).

I should be ordering OotP tickets tomorrow. I've accounted for
chiigusa and I know 
satansangel0308 wants to go. But
selphy_kitty, could you let me know if Rian or Jamie want to go with you to the release? I know you want to go but I wasn't sure if you wanted me to get tickets for them too. and
newtypeshadow, you're still in, right?

Going to take some more Naproxin. And curl up with some Teavana tea. Sigh.
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