The story starts in the early 1960s with a young dock worker named Jude (played by Jim Sturgess) who travels from his home town of Liverpool, England to America in search of the American G.I. father (Robert Clohessy) he has never known. While in America he befriends Max (Joe Anderson) a rebellious young man from a privileged background and his sister Lucy (Evan Rachel Wood). Jude and Max become roommates in a bohemian enclave in New York City where they share an apartment with other young individuals. They are joined in New York by Lucy and a romantic relationship evolves between her and Jude. When Max is drafted to fight in the Vietnam War, Lucy becomes involved in a radical anti-war movement - leading to strains with the comparatively apolitical Jude. The film is constructed as a musical, with the actors expressing themselves and their inner emotions by singing compositions written between 1963-1969 by the members of The Beatles.
I've always wanted to see this movie since I saw the trailer-and let me tell you, It was great. I HIGHLY recommend to watch it.
I loved it.
At the end, I was very emotional and left with a melancholic mood. Seeing these images of the Vietnam War and thinking of my brother Mikey, I couldn't help it-- I cried and cried in Justin's arms. Even now, I'm tearing up just listening to the soundtrack.
This stupid war-- I want it to end.
Click to view
I love the soundtrack too-
and I'm going to see, and more than likely yes,
Justin is going to have the original Beatles songs that inspired this movie.
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Anywho, Mikey will be here soon-- October 13th. I'm going to double check the approval of my requested days off (I had asked my manager today and he said it was approved...)
I asked for the last 2 weeks off of October and November 1st- when Mikey goes off to Iraq.
I'm thinking if that they have the product in on time, I'll go to Wolf's Camera and get him a picture dogtag.
Also, Angie swears she never saw this trailer-- >:[