Feb 10, 2010 19:17
I often have to wonder why I even bother with this sort of thing. Or rather, why I don't bother. There's a lot of evidence out there in support of keeping a regular journal, especially in the 'interesting years' of high school and college. Although, I have to wonder about the people who actually do manage it. When my life is actually 'interesting' I either don't have the time or don't have the energy to come and write out my every last thought. And when I actually want to write I feel as if I have nothing interesting to say.
Perhaps my reluctance to keep up with this sort of thing comes from the state of the internet. I have several blogs and vlogs that I follow on a semi regular basis and they're all quite good. And perhaps I fear that my work won't measure up to theirs. I'm not sure why I even care though, it's not like anyone is actually going to see this. ...and if you are reading this... why? This is the pointless journal of someone leading a somewhat interesting life, but not interesting enough for you to follow. Or perhaps your life is even less interesting than mine... Although, at this point, I haven't really said anything interesting in this journal, so I guess there's no way to judge. *shrugs*
Perhaps I'll get into icon making. That seems to be the only thing I usually look for on this site. They're funny things, lj icons, it's a little picture, a little fragment of something, almost like a miniature story in a single 100 x 100 frame.
Or maybe RP-ing. I know some people that do. But honestly, I don't have much confidence in role playing with people I don't know very well, especially if I'm playing an existing character. ...But maybe it's a little like cosplaying...
Goodness, I talk too much. I should probably go do something constructive like cleaning or working on the JCon website.
Oh right, in case there is an actual reader out there, I was voted in as JCon's webmistress. There wasn't any competition though (and I don't say that to be rude, I was literally the only one running).
Well, I'm off to do something productive. Or maybe not. *shrugs*