Tomorrow [Reita / Kai] - Mini Shot

Jun 18, 2011 01:54

Title: Tomorrow
Author: luna_no_koibito
Genre: Angst, Romance, Human Drama
Warnings: Implicit Abuse
Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Reita / Kai
Bands: The GazettE
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and don't wish I did because I'd be sorry for what could befall them (・_・;)!
Summary: Kai is in his room awaiting, what he should find the courage to avoid. Kai's POV.


A white closed door is currently separating me from my hell, it is not a thick door, it isn't even locked, and at any moment that hell could break in. Just the thought scares the fuck out of me, it puts me on the edge, in the same way I am laying on the edge of my bed, and I don't know why. It's not like I could escape to anywhere on the side of edge that I chose. If shit comes through that door, my only exit would be the window. I don't want to die just yet, and I am on the edge closest to the door, opposite the window anyways, meaning that I might not even make it. I don't want to move from this edge. I feel oddly safe in this position, and in the immobility of this moment, even though I have no reason to feel as much. However, until hell doesn't move, until I can clearly hear that it is far from that white door, I feel safe, unafraid, and calm. On this edge, I will allow myself to completely savor this feeling of soon to be fleeting happiness, and wait for tomorrow.

From: Prince-Char

To: Me

Everything k?

Yes, for the moment. Everything is perfectly fine on my edge, in the dept of this night. But time isn't stopping and hell is beginning to move, I can feel it. It isn't nearing the door, but it isn’t still. Tomorrow seems yet too far. So what else can I do but lie to him. How could I expect for a mere human, just like myself, to take on hell? Yet, I wonder, if Reita had wings, if he could fly straight to me, would he smash through this window, open my door, and confine hell once and for all? If he had superpowers, would he storm though the main entrance defeat all the creature from hell, blast through my door, and declare that the coast was clear for ever?

From: Me

To: Prince-Char

Yes all good :)

Yet, if I acted a little selfishly and told him the truth, if I told him that I really wanted to see him because I am scared but I can't get out, that I really want him to just hold me because I can't seem to feel my soul in this body, on this edge, anymore, what else would happen, other than him feeling incredibly bad for me, and me causing him unnecessary heartache. You are not supposed to make the ones you love sad, right?

From: Prince-Char

To: Me

Are you sure?

You seemed a little on the edge

when you left. Is everything

okay … with your dad?

Yes I was on the edge , I am still on it, and sure enough, he saw right through me. Perhaps he already knows everything, perhaps he is standing right under my window, waiting for me to say “No, I lied, please come, I need you”, and he would find a way to get me out of here, even though he isn't an angel, even though he isn't superman. Because he loves me, he would go through any extent to save me even as a mere human, love being his only weapon. However, this is an obvious suicidal mission, and because I am human as well, and because I love him as much, I will not allow him to become a martyr for this lost cause.

From: Me

To: Prince-Char

Nah, everything is fine really~!

So I'll keep here on this edge, because I am too much of a coward to run away, too ashamed to call for help, and too much in love to look out and down that window. And maybe, maybe, if I survive tonight, maybe it will be the time I will finally run away from here. Right. Who am I kidding? I could do that just now, but I am not am I? I just leave my body on the edge every night, and allow my soul to watch as it will soon be toyed with, while it waits for tomorrow. Hell is now approaching my door. He is coming.

Form: Prince-Char

To: Me

Okay then :)

See you tomorrow.

AN: This is a story of physical abuse by the hands of a family member (which happens more than you can think of, rather than strangers) I was never physically abused, but I know way to many people than necessary that were around me, some of them are incredibly close to me, and til this say, I still don't know where they found the strength and courage to move on with their lives; I admire them, and all of you, whom unfortunately had the same situation and survived it. Also, verbal abuse, is still abuse, and should be regarded the same. If you are in this situation, please look for help, there are numbers you can call, and people that will listen. If you know someone, help them, sometimes even just being there for them helps a lot. No pressure or anything, just felt like I needed to say this.

Much Love -LnK♥(~_^ )/-

par - kai x reita

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