AugNo <3

Aug 04, 2010 23:26

 I'm having some fun with my AugNo :) I've got a blog of sorts on the AugNo forums (here), which I'm currently managing to update everyday (it's all going to hell the 15th-17th, when I'm in Skegness :D), but I thought I'd mosey back on over and inform everyone here of what's going on :)

(I am also majorly into Twitter at the moment - mainly because of the trending tag thingymabobs. They're a cool way of keeping track of strangers without being a stalker ;D)

I am pretty sure I'm going to end up with Carpal Tunnel before I'm thirty - though I don't just blame AugNo... it's an observation ;D

Anywho... day 4. I'm almost 13,000 words into my 50k goal - beating my last NaNo by 2k already, haha. The Phase Outline has to be the best thing I have ever found; it makes writing so easy because everything fits oh-so-clearly together. I love it!

I still don't have a title though :( And I still haven't finished this week's tamingthemuse story D: I know what I want to write, but that one doesn't want to write. Considering that I've written almost 5k today though for my AugNo, I figure I can focus a bit on that tomorrow. 

augnowrimo, tamingthemuse

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