Well, hi there :)

Jul 10, 2010 16:31

 Again, haven't been on in a while. No real excuse - just I'm lazy and have been surprisingly busy, despite the fact that school is now over. Forever. YES! :D

Unless I fail. D:

Still: update-y update.

For my 101 in 1001, I have read two more books - the first, Temeraire by Naomi Novik, I LOVED. It was amazing - dragons and Napoleon, genius! (I am on such a dragon kick at the moment, by the way) I truly think it was incredible, the ending was even great. However, I have discovered there are another four (?) books in the series. I didn't know it was a series. I like it as it is, it wraps itself up pretty nicely - I mean, there's larger events still going off of course, but it's a nice stand-alone thing. I'm not sure if I want to read the others.

The second book was Marks of Cain by Tom Knox. I enjoyed that, too; it looked a little Da Vinci Code, but turned out to be pretty interesting, about Basque country and Nazis. I liked, as well, that it switched between what was happening to David and what was happening to Simon; it meant I wasn't stuck with one character all the time, which I find a lot better. Read it in one afternoon, too, which I love - haven't done it in ages.

Films-wise: Shrek 4 was ace :D loved it; went to see it in 3D and everything. Eclipse? Amazingly, not so much. I mean, half of it is voice overs because the story is so BORING they were clearly just trying to budge it along. And that engagement ring? WTF?! It was HUGE!

On the plus side, I made my friends and I some t-shirts: Team Blade (mine), Team Buffy (Henry's), Team Eric (from True Blood; Jonathan's), and Team Damon (from Vampire Diaries, Kelly's). Mine didn't really get a response, and neither did Henry's (we think we got tutted at in line by a girl wearing FULL Twilight gear), but Kelly got asked where she got hers and apparently Jonathan's made a group of girls squeal. Heh.

I've been writing when I've not been doing more school stuff. Got 6,000 words down yesterday; I am impressed. I'm joining Augnowrimo next month, here, with a goal of 50k in 31 days. So I should be updating a lot. Fun times :)

Until then, I'm just focussing on nafiwriwee; I've almost finished this week's, but I'm leaving some for tomorrow. I'm about 400 words from the 7k minimum, but I don't know how it's going to continue now. Tbh, I started with an idea that I moulded the prompt to fit and I'm just going from there.

I have written 6,621 of 7,000 words.
I am now 94.58% done!

no frills wordmeter

See? :) 379 words away. (I love that wordmeter, btw. It's the one I always use)

I am going to write some more fanfic soon; I've realise I only have two other WIPs beside my idea for Augno and the nafiwriwee prompts, so I'm going to have to move onto fanfic. And I want to start outlining for Nanowrimo soon. I was going to save my main WIP for it, but gave up on that a couple of months ago :D.

I'll be around! :D 

writing, shrek 4, nanowrimo, temeraire, marks of cain, books, augnowrimo, twilight: eclipse, nafiwriwee

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