*is back*

May 15, 2009 22:07

nrghrrghhghg.... I think my brain has melted.

Three exams today - English Lang. this morning; not fun but I wrote about seven-eight pages on categorising texts and language and technology... does anyone know what an "army mowa" is, btw? Because I saw it and had a 'WTF'? moment :) But I realised I love writing about language and technology, so I think that's going to be the basis of my language study this summer (yay! ¬¬).

German wasn't so bad, I don't think. I don't feel like I revised enough, but the first question was on fashion (one was something along the lines of "what hip hop clothes do girls wear?" XD) and the essay was pretty simple. (But probably full of FAIL -- I hate cases T.T)

By Psychology, I was wiped out. The entire Stress section was fail, but Social Psychology has probably turned out okay. Abnormality was a bit annoying. I'm glad the twelve mark question was on Social Psychology, that's all :D

So yeah. Didn't leave school until five. And spent an hour before that sitting alone in an exam hall. With mole man. (The invigilator XD) OHHH and... it had decided to rain. All day. Like, buckets of rain. IT WAS AWFUL. I WAS SOAKED THROUGH IN EVERY EXAM ¬¬ (But we had a thunder storm when I got back home, which was awesome :D)

Buuuuuuuuuuut I have three more exams on Monday (Critical Thinking) and then I'm done until the second of June. Well, I have my sign language assessment (which I am crapping myself for, seeing as I only just passed last time. Like, by one mark), but no AS's.

With writing... I think I've done some more ficlets? I keep wanting to write because I'm revising, even though I know I shouldn't. I haven't worked on monster Psych fic in a few weeks but I might do some more next week to try and move it along. (It needs a MEGA edit because I need more Gus T.T)

So yah. Anyone been up to fun stuff?

psychology, fic, school, psych, german, exams, english

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