(no subject)

May 05, 2009 22:22

Oh god, well, it's been a while, huh? Sorry to neglect this. Highschool's coming to an end, I'm scared out of my mind and I took the lazy route and just tried to forget I said I'd update this. With stuff. Cuz I haven't stopped drawing, I've just couldn't be arsed to upload things, which is no excuse, I know. We're here now at least.

And thank you for those who commented on the first two entries. I know I didn't reply to everyone, so sorry about that. The comments did seriously make my day. I didn't gloss over a single one.

Before we get to the arts, though--and I know this is a sketch journal not a whine journal--I just wanna talk about something in this lil' public forum thing because it's easier than making a secret or just confiding in one friend or blah blah blah. Please feel free to skip straight to the arts.

Dear...Instant Messaging in General,

It used to be I could talk to you--any of you--for hours about nothing. That's why I consider us friends. We can make each other laugh, think, cry, feel through big font, little font, or funny emoticons. I enjoy talking to all of you. If I didn't, I wouldn't feel so confused right now. I'm a social person in the sense I like talking to people. I do have a certain knack for making people laugh. I do not have a knack for starting conversations out of the blue, especially not at this point in my life where I'm stressed through the roof over silly, little things and bigger, vastly important things. I need some help starting this conversation that could potentially be mutually fun for us both. I'm sorry, I can't shoulder the whole thing anymore, if I ever could.

When I ask you about how you're doing, you're free to rant. It gives me something to work off of. You're free to ask me how I'm doing or comment when I get a little verbose. That's why I'm teealdeer-ing you, babe. I want to have a conversation with you! Any conversation! If you're giving me nothing to work with or I run out of things to comment on what you have given me, I'm gonna start talking. I just get the feeling that I'm boring you with it. I get the feeling you're busy with other people or activities and I should let this convo go so you can get back to them, or, in my sillier moments, I get that nagging feeling I've annoyed you somehow.

It's not your fault. I know we're friends. I know it's the end of the year for everyone, not just me. I know modpants are very heavy and time consuming, but oddly slimming. I know I'm really just being silly. I'm honestly not blaming you because everyone has their reasons.

But it'd be nice if you IMed me first once in a while. Or if we could go for more than ten lines exchanging pleasantries, and maybe actually plot without me feeling like I'm pulling teeth or maybe just generally wasting you time.



I just needed that off my chest, on-a-soap-box-megaphone-in-one-hand-letter-to-whom-it-may-concern-in-the-other.


Soooo...eight pages back into my photobucket we haaaaave...

An Elficorn!Herz. D'aww. He's so cwute reading aloud to himself. Believe me, if he knew we were watching, he wouldn't be acting like such an adorable dork.

Here's a sketch for the finished TornxAshe piece of mine, currently clogging up the front of my dA page. I don't think deviantart was ever deviant enough for Ashelin's awesome boobage. Yes, originally, Torn had legs! They were sadly amputated for the final shot, mainly because I was damn tired of painting skin.

Well, gosh, it's everyone's favorite first mate, Kage. I'm aware his neck is ginormous. When he was a lad, he ate four dozen eggs and so on and so forth.


Here's some Mega!Sprite sketches. I still really like the skintight, very plain outfit. It's so much easier than designing this fucker new armor.

Speaking of armor...

A Reboot fan-character I never did anything with. I played with the idea for a while that she'd been infected with a fragment of Hex and thus she had to journey across the entire net to collect the rest of the virus, slowly becoming Hexadecimal in the process. When I colored her, which I don't know if I scanned, her hair reminded me of PB&J.

A-d'aww. The wittle Herzie is sleepin'.

I'm still in love with the movie Wall-E, but when it first came out on DVD, I was MAJOR obsessed. This is my half-assed human!E.V.E. Her helmet is shit, but I like her coat.

It may be hard to recognize these guys. Say hi to Urd and Immy from my all but dead 1004 project. I still think about it constantly. I just have no clue what the hell to do with it yet. Urd has obviously changed a TON. Bigger--manlier. More broken. This isn't the latest sketch of him by far. I've decided since these that the fall that broke his horn also crushed his left arm into useless dust and fucked up that leg as well. He's also mentally behind everyone else by a few years, but that's also because his kind live longer than fairies, so meh. His eyes are pure black because...well, his pupils have dialated to take in all the light they can, and there isn't much. They live in caves with mushrooms for light. He's pretty much blind.

Kafei and Anju crap because I love them and should draw them every single day but I don't. In fact, I haven't drawn them since this. Oh well. I luff them silently.

Yay Light Jak! And...a really shitty darkie, don't look at that one.

Eeee this is Natalia and Brayden from Lady Rose's fic Legend of Zelda: The Return. Probably theee best OC couple, mainly because I heart Brayden's angst to the ends of Hyrule and Natalia is such a sexy enigma, I can't help but fangirl.

My single greatest masterpiece. Totally speaks for itself.

A valentine's present fer my Nashi. Yeah, the kiss is awkward, but it's supposed to be. Herz is the one giving it.

More RaHerz. This is the verse where the boys are both dysfunctional in their own right and don't know how to really connect with another person just yet. Hence Herz's crappy hair. No seriously. It makes perfect sense. Dysfunctional = crappy hair. It's been proven. By Science.


Well, DAMN! It's an epidemic. Of--of boobs, not yellow/crappy noses.

She's talking about when her father met her nonexistant mother.

She's talking about...about...ah damn, I can't think up a joke about this one.


I guess that's a little bit better.

Torn. Dude. That profile is awesome.

Now he looks like someone in front of him just cut one.

Nashi and I caught up in FMA around the same time and fangirled for a few days. We're both huge Hoenheim nerds, and we realized that Ed? Will grow up to look EXACTLY like his dad. And thus I drew it. SO NO. IT IS NOT HOHOxWHINRY, YOU SILLY THINGS. Keep it in your pants.

AND NOW FOR THE PORN. If you do not like it, feel free to scroll past it quickly to get to the comments or just up and leave.

OH GOD, it's KagexHerz. Why was I on crack?

That's all, folks!

fanart, elegante, kage, kafei, urd, megasprite, torn, al, immy, fma, vin, sig, zelda, actr'd, keira, tess, ranting, jak, crack, 1004, sheeva, herz, raherz, razer, whinry, reboot, ed, genderbending, ashelin, sketches

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