Last day of work

Sep 01, 2005 22:25

Haven't updated in a VERY long time so I figured I would seeing how I had such an eventful day.OK so went to work today was my last day. I get into the office and I was like Peter it's my last day today and he's like yea I hope we can stay open and iam like what do u mean like 4 the day. And he's like no for the rest of the season. Iam like omg iam sry and hes like no its ok. He was only like picking on me so it was ok. So then I get out back and iam talking to Matt and iam like so I get to be a float since it's my last day and he' like theres no floats today so iam like darn. He's like I need somebody on wave channel though so. Iam like yeah. THen he wanted someone to get his breakfast so he gives me a 100 dollar bill to get his breakfast me and Emily and vikky get up there and she's like I don't have enough to break this. So we go up to the Office and while she's getting my change I look at the TEam member of the week sheet and iam like this thing stinks I like never win itand as iam looking iam like wait I won lol so I was all excited about that. I won 25 bucks in my paycheck. Woot! so then I wen to the wave channel and sat there. So then around 1:30 Emily comes over and she's like go see Hoffman iam like ok. So I like turned around and Bill was there and he's like I guess Tylar is going home early cause ERic said she could. So I guess your leaving to so iam like yes. Then I saw hoffman and he said I could go. I said bye to him went and clocked out and then got changed. WEnt around saying bye to everyone. Me and TYlar went out back and got her car. Then she had to grab a picture for A-Day and I was like ok iam say bye to Tommy. So I like gave him like the longest hug ever and then he's like talking to me and he's like iam do something iam not sopossed to do. Iam like whats that and he like smacked my but. Then I saw Tylar again and she gave A-day her picture then we saw Scott as we were leavin so he invited us back to his house and we went there and hung out for a few hours. It was fun. Then we left. We went to Mcdonalds and got Mcchickens. Then we were ganna hit the cones on are way out of Old Forge but we didn't because there was construction workers there. BUt yeah it was fun then we went to practice so that was fun. WE did this Cookie thing and we had to say nice things about the person next to use. Beth was joking around and shes like Your a stupid dawg kicker. Hands me the cookie no iam j/k yeah it was funny. I said something really stupid at practice to we were in the shade and I think it was Kims like well warm up once we start moveing and iam like why are we ganna be moveing. lol duh were at cheerleading practice we move lol. WEll that was my fun and exciting day.
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