Nov 06, 2007 22:36
How is it that even though Eric hasn't paid me any child support since March, and he was behind then too, I'm the one who's at fault here. Apparently, I have gotten everything that I wanted. I'm not really feeling this way, especially since all I really want from him is for him to act like a daddy for Julia. He hardly ever calls her (maybe once or twice a month), he never sends her anything in the mail, he doesn't support her financially, and he's thinking of taking a job transfer to Korea.
I had to go to court yesterday because he still hadn't taken the divorce class Utah requires. I told him about it in March. I took it in June. It's November. He told me that he sent it in last week, but the court never got it. When I talked to him today, he basically admitted that he hadn't taken it yet. So, the judge said she'd grant the divorce even though he hasn't taken the class (all he has to do is send away for the video, watch it, and send back a notarized form saying he watched it). She also said he had to pay my lawyer's fees for going to court, and he's not allowed to see Julia until he takes the class. My lawyer says that they can garnish up to 60% of his wages until he becomes current in what he owes us in child support. He owes us over $6000. This is not including the payment I had to make on the best buy credit card (that he never took me off) because it got sent to collections. That one's just under $2000.
He's 31. Is it too much to ask that he grow up and act like a responsible adult?