Title: Toeing the Line Between Evil and the Divine
Author: Luna (aka Luna_del_Cielo on lj)
Fandom: Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cast of Characters: Main: Dawn, Lucifer, Gabriel, Castiel, Buffy. Secondary: Faith, Dean, Sam, Xander, Jo, Ellen, Vi, Bobby, Illyria, Lorne, Angel, Spike, Wesley, Willow, Giles, Gunn
Rating: T
Summary: The déjà vu that Dawn felt around Castiel was slightly alarming…but what was really alarming was how Lucifer was popping up in her dreams acting so friendly.
Pairings: Dawn/Lucifer, Dean/Faith, Xander/Jo
Spoilers: Series Finale of BTVS, SPN Season 5 (takes place right before ‘Changing Channels’). Will be AU for SPN.
Warnings: None yet.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If I did then fewer people would have died in each of those shows :)
Read specific chapters here:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Dawn dreamt of many things, dark and unseen to so many of this new world. She dreamed of knowledge unknown, of the beginning…the true beginning of this universe.
“They are so angry,” she whispered. She stood at the edge of a cliff that overlooked the entire city. Behind her, their castle rested upon the highest mountain on their planet, some twenty-thousand feet. The air was cooler up here and had been growing gradually colder. The warmth of the distant sun used to keep their gardens green and lush but now the land was barren. Her family’s home was a marvelous place, a castle that shimmered a rainbow of colors in the sunlight, but now it bore not even the faintest glimmer.
Their planet was dying and death was encroaching upon them all.
“They are merely afraid, Lailah,” her twin brother spoke in her ear. He wrapped his arms around her and she embraced him as well. He was always so loving; right now she surely needed it.
“Adanal, they have threatened revolt if father cannot make the sun return,” she whispered sadly as her eyes scanned the dark lands. Her eyes, like all of their kind, could see exceptionally well in the dark and now she was watching the masses converging at the base of Mt. Talvi.
“Have faith, sister. Our father has lived since the beginning of this world. He has collected much knowledge in those years,” Adanal comforted her.
Lailah kept quiet. She feared that not even her father could make the sun return…and she feared what their people would do when he failed.
She ran through the castle’s halls, her feet echoing off the natural rock carved from the mountain. Tears flooded down her face and everyone in the halls looked down respectfully as she passed. Her feet skidded to a stop outside her father’s chamber and she was met there by Adanal, his face as tear-stained as hers.
“Don’t go in there sister,” he begged her quietly, his blue eyes dark with mourning. “You do not want to be haunted by this sight.”
“I must. I cannot believe what I heard. Our father? He is immortal, like we all are!” she shook her head distrustfully. With a sigh, Adanal turned away and Lailah walked into the chamber. Their mother sat in a regal chair next to the bed with a face as still as stone, a mask of detachment save the single tear rolling down her cheek. Soundlessly Lailah walked to the bed and stared upon the sight in horror.
There was her father, his face as peaceful in death as it was so often in life, sprawled lifelessly. Dark blood had seeped into the bed and the smell of it took her by surprise. Lailah had never smelled death before; none of their people had ever died before. It was putrid and stale and it made her stomach nauseous. A sharp shard of black obsidian had been stabbed mercilessly into her father’s heart and it stood straight up in a seemingly mocking salute.
“How?” she gasped in horror.
Their mother made no move to speak and Adanal, the caretaker of their family in absence of their father, responded. “Darkness and hate were poured into that obsidian and bound by unknown magic.”
“Why?” she sobbed quietly as she tentatively touched her father’s ashen cheek.
“The rebellion have made their move,” their mother answered in a startlingly clear voice. “They thought the sacrifice of your father’s long life would satisfy the sun.” She chuckled darkly. “The fools do not realize that nothing will bring the sun back. This planet will die, and us along with it.”
She stared at her mother in shock and dismay. “But mother, we are immortal! We have lived here forever!”
Her mother’s stony face softened at her daughter’s words. She gestured towards their father. “We can all die, now. The doorway to Death has been opened, and he will chase us mercilessly.”
“There must be some way to save our land,” Adanal spoke up in a determined voice and curled fists.
“No, my son,” their mother said as she stood up and rested her hand on his shoulder. “You are the most powerful of us all, now that your father has passed, but not even you can revive the sun.”
Then their mother’s eyes brightened with the light of revelation. “Although there may be a way to save you.”
“What?” Lailah inquired.
Her mother gave her a soft look. “Your strength to open up portals to other worlds could save you. You hold the key to escape within you, my daughter.”
“I should take everyone?” she asked in confusion.
“No,” her mother spoke sharply with a gesture towards her dead husband. “Those sinful beasts have killed our majestic leader, your father, and my husband. After all he did for them, they betrayed him by committing the worst act our world has ever seen. They do not deserve it.”
She hesitated. That felt wrong to her.
“Mother is right. Her judgment has been made: the people must pay for their sins,” Adanal stated firmly.
Never one to question her mother or her brother, she nodded. “When do you want to leave, Mother?”
Her mother’s green eyes, eyes that once reflected the magnificent splendor of their gardens, grew sad. “I cannot leave your father. We are bound forever as husband and wife. I will share his fate.”
“Wait, we cannot leave without you!” she exclaimed in horror.
“Mother, please,” Adanal begged in a small voice as he grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest.
Their mother gave a resolute shake of her head. “I will remain. But you two - you two will leave and create a new world, one without the stain of sin.”
Lailah spilt her blood that night to open a portal. Controlling the destination was always difficult but once she found a empty dimension, one that was still a blank canvass, she grabbed Adanal’s hand and leapt forward, careful to seal the doorway behind her.
Adanal was the sculptor, the creative genius. Whereas Lailah saw a black expanse of space, Adanal saw masterpieces in the making. Here their powers were increased, for they were pioneers and the first visitors to this unknown dimension; the dimension welcomed them with open arms. Adanal went to work crafting the universe of their new home. He forged billions of stars and scattered them throughout space - never again would a planet be without a star. Sometimes he and Lailah would play catch with the massive balls of gas and heat; never would they have thought that one day humans would invent a similar sport known as baseball.
From there her brother, lit within by his sheer joy at the opportunity to create their new home, created planets for all the galaxies. Her twin understood wordlessly that she missed their home and family, so he would blend the most beautiful colors to please her. Lailah particularly enjoyed the rings of Saturn. Before her brother decided all the planets needed to abide by a schedule and make routine resolutions around the sun, she used to love to spin that particular planet like a child’s toy and stare in amazement at the swirling colors.
When he crafted Earth he decided to make this one special. “I dreamt of this planet, that it would one day exhibit an untold level of miraculous success,” Adanal told her once. “This planet has the capability of greatness that will outshine even our former home.”
But once he molded the mountains and valleys and filled the oceans, Lailah was filled with loneliness. She told her brother that even though she loved him with all her heart, she missed the companionship of others
Adanal had pondered on that for a long time. Finally, he decided to create sentient beings, similar to their own people but less powerful. He created four of them named Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel, and called them his sons and they called him ‘Father.’ These four were never told Adanal and Lailah’s history but they knew that Lailah was the sister of their Father and thus they paid her great respect.
She cared for them from the beginning, along with her brother. They taught the brothers their mother tongue, Enochian, and how important it was to love their Father with all their heart and that disobedience was the greatest sin. The greatest worry of theirs was that one day Adanal’s creations would turn upon them much as their own father’s had.
But they weren’t terribly worried. The brothers brought great joy into their lives. Michael idolized Adanal, subconsciously mimicking her twin’s every gesture. Raphael was quiet and soft-spoken, truly a sweet creature, and clung to Michael. Gabriel’s grace was filled with humor and he loved nothing more than making them laugh. And finally there was Lucifer, the brightest light of them all. He was a devout son and passionate about their Father’s world. It was he that encouraged Adanal to build more and to teach the brothers how to create.
So Adanal crafted the flora of the world and the brothers helped to spread the seeds throughout the expanse of the earth. Soon plant life could be found everywhere, from the ocean floor to the mountains. After that Adanal crafted the many animals, both large and small, and they overran the earth. Many nights were spent basking the beauty of the earth under the warm sun or the cool night sky, enjoying the presence of all the life that Adanal had created. Lailah taught the four sons how to dance and sing, and they sang many songs of their beautiful world and the greatness of the Creator.
So encouraged by the successful growth of his sons, Adanal created more children, both sons and daughters. He wanted to teach his sons how wonderful the experience of fatherhood was, so he gave the responsibility of their siblings to Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel, all of whom joyfully accepted the task.
Adanal called them his angels and instructed them on how to care for the world. Their home was named Heaven and their family was named the Host. The Host of Heaven grew in love and warmth and the original brothers
However, Lailah in all her wisdom disagreed with Adanal for not showing his face to his new children. But he explained that his eldest, the archangels, needed to learn how to care for their siblings. What if the day came when he was killed, like their father? His sons would need to understand how to continue living in this world and his other offspring would need to truly understand the concept of faith.
Begrudgingly, she accepted his reasoning and supported his decision - as long as he blessed her desire to live amongst all the members of the Host. Adanal had smiled, pleased that she was finally happy after so many years, and he agreed. Lailah spent all her time with the angels, but there was one in particular she was drawn to: Lucifer.
The Light-Bearer was the kindest and most thoughtful of them all, yet he was also so filled with passion. He loved all of his Father’s creations fiercely and she was drawn to him, as the planets are drawn to the sun. Their bond was deep, forged by all their time together in the beginning, before Adanal decorated the earth with life. Love blossomed as they spent more time together, something Lailah had never experienced on her previous planet. But she and Lucifer were so well-matched that she almost wondered if Adanal had created the archangel just for her.
Adanal was wise and knew both his twin and his son very well. Although they hid it from the Host, their love was evident to Adanal, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. The day came when Adanal called the intimate group together and made a declaration.
“Love is the greatest gift that I can ever give any of my children. It is all I wish for each of them. I see the love between Lailah and Lucifer. If they wish it, I will join them in marriage.”
The amount of happiness that flooded not just Lailah but their entire nuclear family, was indescribable. Clouds dissipated and sunlight rained down upon the earth for a hundred days, making each creature feel as warm as their family did. Eagerly, Lailah and Lucifer thanked Adanal and he blessed their union. They were husband and wife, the first marriage of this new world.
Their happiness lasted for countless years and they served Heaven with pleasure…until Adanal decided to create a new race. Then everything turned to ruin.
Adanal spoke before Lailah and the four archangels one day, a day that would change the paths of each of them.
“I have created the Heaven and the Earth, and it was good. I have created the land and the sea, and it was good. I have created the sun and the stars, and it was good. I have created swarms of living creatures both in the sea and on land, and it was good. Now, let I will make man and woman in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."
Adanal had confided in Lailah his desire to create new life, to push the boundaries of his previous creations, so she was aware of his plan. However, she feared it. The angels were all so loving but they were crafted to be better, in mind and desire, than the race from their home dimension. But to create more sentient beings? She feared unhappiness would come from her brother’s attempt to push the envelope.
His news was met with silence by the brothers and it was Lucifer who broke it. “But why, Father? Why must man be created? Can we trust them to govern your wonderful world in the way that it deserves?”
A thunderclap sounded and her Morningstar shrank back. “Do not question me, my son. I have faith in these humans. They are my greatest creation. I command you to love them even more than you love me.”
“Yes, Father,” Lucifer replied in a quiet voice that sang of embarrassment. Lailah wrapped herself around him in support. She knew he only had Adanal’s best interests at heart but it was her brother’s fear of ending up like their father, betrayed by his own, that made him too strict sometimes.
Michael, always supportive of his father, immediately said, “Yes, Father,” and Raphael and Gabriel followed suit.
The earth below them shook and Adanal spoke again. “Go now into the Garden of Eden, for I have created Man and Woman and I shall name them Adam and Lilith.”
Lailah smiled because she knew that the humans had been named after her brother and herself. Of course, none of the angels could ever know his name or their past - Adanal thought it was better if they did not. Still, it was an inside joke that amused her and brought her closer to her brother.
The six of them emerged in the Garden of Eden, a garden that much resembled the one that once thrived outside their family’s castle before the sun went away. There, simple of mind and pure of heart, were two humans, creatures that much resembled Adanal and Lailah’s original form from their birth planet.
They each spoke to the creatures and lent their knowledge. She and Lucifer taught the man and woman about the joys of marriage. Raphael taught them how to speak to the plants and animals. Gabriel taught them the joy of laughter and happiness. Michael taught them how to worship their Father. Adanal became most enamored with them and spoke to them endlessly on many things.
One day Lucifer confided in her about his unsettling feelings. “I do not understand my Father, Lailah. How can he refrain from showing His face to my younger siblings but happily shows Himself to these humans? These humans are no better than us.”
She leaned into him as they walked along a midnight beach, they so loved the meeting of water and land and its unique spectacular presence. “Your Father is very wise, my love. He has a plan for all things, even if it may appear confusing in the beginning.”
Lucifer had gone silent and she feared his questioning. He often questioned everything in the universe, like a child was apt to do, but his voice carried the sound of disgruntlement and she knew then that her own meager words would not dispel his concern.
“Come,” she said, changing the topic. “Let us swim.” Her eyes had sparkled with mischief and Lucifer met her look with one of his own.
“Shall we ride the whales in a race?” he smirked at her. “I do believe you have yet to win, my love.”
Lailah let out a peal of delighted laughter. “We’ll see about that,” she grinned before leaping into the deep ocean water.
Lailah observed Lilith and Adam eating pomegranates under the shade of a mighty tree. Lucifer was beside her, sitting upon a tree branch, and frowned as he watched them.
“I just do not understand them. They smell and appear little better than monkeys. Why does Father love them so?”
Lailah was quiet. She knew that the presence of the humans was a thorn in Lucifer’s side. Ever since Adanal had introduced the humans into their lives and then commanded that all bow before them, his greatest creations, Lucifer had been feeling very hurt. Not only was he commanded to love something more than he loved his Father, but his Father considered a new creation his greatest creation - not Lucifer and the rest of the angels.
Of course, she knew that Adanal loved these humans so much because, although they lacked the great power of their race, they were incredibly similar to their own people. Adanal viewed them as an attempt to do as their mother commanded prior to their departure: to create a new world without the stain of sin. Ultimately, she felt that Adanal wanted to succeed where their father had failed.
“He still loves you and all your siblings,” she comforted her husband.
Lucifer turned sad eyes to her. “But he loves them more.”
She said nothing. To contradict him would be a lie and Lailah hated lying to him.
Michael and Lucifer were arguing again. Their fight had taken to the skies and was lit by lightning.
Lailah stood with Gabriel, the youngest of the archangels who was almost like a son to her. Lucifer was closest to him as well, having taught his brother many types of magic.
“I hate it when they fight,” he stated sorrowfully, his grace tightened in pain.
“I know.” She folded against him in comfort. “They are too much alike. Stubborn and strong. More so, Lucifer takes after your Father a great deal. He is creative and looks at everything in a new way. But Michael cannot accept that, he will not allow his Father to be questioned.”
“Do you think Lucifer is correct to question Father?”
Lailah hesitated. “Lucifer is who he is. I believe that everything happens for a reason.” She sighed. “But I do wish he would bring less strife into our family.”
“It’s the humans’ fault,” Gabriel stated in a cold voice as he watched his brothers fight.
“No,” Lailah corrected him sharply. “They are innocents in this. Never fault them for such a thing. The actions of your brothers are theirs alone.”
Chastised, Gabriel cowered under the weight of her voice. “Yes, Lailah.”
But even as she said those words, not even Lailah herself could stop the spark of anger directed at the humans. If only they hadn’t been created Lucifer wouldn’t feel so hurt and angry all the time. If it was not for them, they would still be a happy family.
Lailah had brought her concerns to Adanal. “Brother, I fear that the creation of the humans have only driven a wedge into our family. Why create them?”
Adanal was her twin but he had always been more blessed with talent and wisdom than she. Then, throughout the course of creating this world, his abilities had grown exponentially and he far outshone her. She knew he must have his own reasons for his actions, even if she was not able to fully comprehend them.
“Lailah,” he sighed, almost hurt that she, too, was questioning him. “When I created the angels I made them too like us, too powerful. With such power comes great responsibility. I wanted to create beings who were not so similarly burdened, like the animals of the land and sea, but with greater intellect.”
He paused. “And you know my commitment to mother’s wish of a world without the stain of sin. Unlike my angels, these humans live truly within the world I’ve created. They are more like you and I than even the angels. I love them, Sister. I do.”
She had watched her brother shine with sincerity and mulled over his words. “I understand. But…but what if the humans turn against you, against us, as father experienced?”
Adanal gave her a pained look. “Perhaps they will. It is out of my hands. The cycle of life must continue, I cannot hold my creations captive just because of what may or may not occur.”
Lailah left then for Lucifer’s warm embrace. There was an ache in her spirit that she could not rid herself of and she required the comfort of her true love; he was like a balm to her soul.
“Something troubles you,” Lucifer spoke to her as they swam in the salty ocean. An octopus had found them and Lailah was giggling as she watched it swim in its peculiar fashion. She honestly enjoyed all of her brother’s creations.
“Please Lucifer, not now,” she sighed. Her conversation with her brother and other dark thoughts were plaguing her.
He swam up behind her and held her tight, trailing soft kisses down her neck and shoulder. “You are so tense. Talk to me, my love.”
She leaned into his embrace and debated on what to say. On one hand, her worries stemmed from her past life and she knew Adanal had forbidden that they speak of it. On the other, she loathed hiding anything from her husband. Speaking softly, she began to confide in him.
“There was another world, once.”
“Another?” he asked in surprise.
Lailah nodded. “There are many worlds, darling. Since birth I have been gifted with the ability to cross into them.”
Lucifer was silent. “What are they like?” he asked in a hushed voice.
“Some are very pretty, teeming with life such as here, but others are dark places overrun by demons.”
“Evil creatures,” she clarified.
“You worry about demons?”
“No,” she shook her head with a small smile. If only it were that simple. “In a different world I know, the people murdered their one true father, their king, in a shameful display of ignorance. I…sometimes I fear it could happen here.”
After a pause, Lucifer spoke. “You fear the humans.”
“No…yes. I do not know. I know I cannot live in fear but it is hard.” The image of her father’s corpse flashed in her mind.
“Already I see how the Lilith and Adam have ripped off living branches to form their huts,” Lucifer sneered. “I see how they have begun to dominate the Garden. I have a deep feeling that one day they will destroy Father’s creation.” His voice was angry and strong; he was so passionate about the beauty of this world.
Lailah sighed. “Your Father did give them dominion over this world,” she reminded him gently. She already regretted confiding in her Lucifer. He was so angry about the humans that she knew she only fanned the fire but the acidic taste of lies had been on her tongue for too long - she longed to share everything with her husband.
They were all shocked the day that Lilith denounced her marriage to Adam, claiming that they were equals and that he tried to dominate her as he did the rest of the earth. Adanal had been so angry that she would not even try to make their union work, that he sent her to a dark place deep within the earth for punishment.
Lailah knew that truly Adanal was angry at himself for not better creating the two for a perfect union. She also knew that he feared his failure at creation and vowed to do better.
So he created Eve, a new woman, from Adam’s rib, certain that since she was made from Adam they would truly be made for each other.
Meanwhile, she overheard Lucifer speaking in sly tones to some of the other angels, such as Samael and several others. She knew that they disliked the humans and could not bring themselves to love Adam and Eve more than they loved their own Father.
Lailah knew they were wrong to think so, and that Adanal would be furious if he knew they weren’t obeying him, but she bit her tongue. The fighting within Heaven was escalating as the arguments between Michael and Lucifer became occurred more frequently. She did not want to bring further anger into their family.
More so, she could not betray her Lucifer, no matter what dangerous words his tongue delivered.
“Brother, please stand by me!” Lucifer pleaded as he stared in Michael’s eyes. “You know I speak truly!”
Lailah did not want to watch but she could not tear her eyes away. Gabriel and Raphael watched with her in silence, each of them flanking her, almost like they were shielding her.
“You are a monster, an abomination!” Michael spat. His voice grated over their ears like shifting rock, and Lucifer recoiled in pain. “Wicked and evil, how can you even think that our Father’s creations need to be destroyed?”
“The humans are no better than apes!” Lucifer stated hotly. “They will be the ones to destroy our Father’s Creation, all of this great world!”
Michael growled, grabbed Lucifer, and slammed him down. “Take it back!”
“Michael, please,” Lailah said in a soft tone. “He only has our best interests at heart.”
Michael stared at her with surprise and a smidge of contempt. But before he could speak, Adanal appeared before them.
“You are wrong, Lailah. Lucifer has no one’s best interests at heart, but himself and his pride. Lucifer, you have broken my commandment time and time again. I ordered you to love the humans more than me.”
“But I love you too greatly, Father!” Lucifer declared fervently. “You are our Creator, the forger of this world! You are much better than those hairless apes you command us to love more!” His eyes shone with pain and Lailah felt her heart break at the sight - and what she knew would come.
Oh yes, she knew just by looking in her brother’s eyes. They so closely resembled their mother’s when she declared her judgment for their people, that they should die for their sins instead of finding escape from a dying world.
“You are sin-filled and I denounce you as my son,” Adanal pronounced, his voice rolling over them like an avalanche. “I cast you out of Heaven, Lucifer. Leave.”
“What?” Lucifer gasped.
Lailah could only cry. She knew there was no stopping her brother.
Gabriel joined her with tears of his own. His family meant the world to him and she knew the breaking of this family would scar him forever.
Raphael appeared conflicted. He wanted to follow Michael and stand behind their Father’s decision, but his eyes were pained at the realization his brother was cut off, forever, from their family.
Michael, ever loyal, grasped Lucifer’s shoulders and prepared to throw him down to the earth.
“Lailah!” Lucifer cried, his voice a mix of pain and hurt as he stared at her with pleading eyes.
She glanced from him to Adanal. “Please, brother. Please do not cast Lucifer out. He is my husband and I love him.”
“He has sinned and he must receive punishment. You are free of his sin and thus must stay here, with me.”
Lailah rushed to Lucifer’s side and embraced him. “No, Adanal. You cannot rip him away from me! We are bound.” She lovingly caressed her husband’s cheek. “Please give him another chance,” she asked.
Adanal shook his head fiercely. “He has had too many, already. Stand aside, sister.”
Her world froze as she looked at Lucifer, her soul mate, the one she was bound to, and then Adanal, her brother, her twin, one who she had known for eternity.
“Do not make me choose,” she begged.
Adanal paused. “There is a…choice? You contemplate leaving me and all of Heaven, all of our family, so that you may join your sinful husband?” His eyes burned into her very soul and Lailah found herself weeping.
“He is my other half, I love him,” she explained. “I love you as well, my brother. I do not want to leave either of you.”
Adanal’s expression hardened and she felt the four archangels staring at the two of them in silent fear. “That there is even a choice in your mind tells me you have already made yours.” His voice rang out over the heavens. “Lailah, I cast you out of Heaven, along with your husband Lucifer.”
“No!” Lailah cried as she felt Lucifer clinging to her. Michael grasped them both and threw them forcefully into the earth, where they plunged into the ocean and past the rocky floor, into the depths of the earth where Lilith was kept.
When Dawn woke up she felt feverish from the memory of hell’s heat and not even her tears could cool her skin or soothe her heart.