Nov 11, 2010 20:49
I'm sitting in Barnes and Noble, alone, right now.
I had intended to attend the NaNo regional Meet-Up; I was unable to make the last one.
Today's started at 6pm and I roll into the parking lot at 7:15pm. I brush my hair, fix my make-up (because god forbid I look like I've been running around all day,lol) and then go to use the loo.
While I'm in the stall there are 2 women speaking - an elderly mother and her middle-aged/older daughter. The daughter is lamenting how children are so obsessed wtih the computer and less so with books and I'm smiling when I walk out because I know exactly where she's coming from.
Then she just starts talking to me.
And the three of us talk for slightly over an hour.
How she wants to start a PR firm now that she's recovered over her husband's death, how she writes songs, how her mother "has been singing in the choir since she was in my belly!", and them telling me that God has a purpose for me - but not in that crazy evangelist way. More so, it was in a way that made me think that they really *could* see was almost freaky.
I can't help but wonder what would have happened had I not waited to pretty myself up in my car or had met up with the NaNo group first before using the loo...However, this experience has just further convinced me that *nothing* happens by chance.