
Dec 12, 2006 00:49


I met with Yazoo again. Things have been... cleared up between us. Again. But I believe its safe to say that we're partners once again. In more ways than one, it seems...

Was that what what heat truely means? Something makes me doubt it. But it was... pleasant.It seems as if everyone's in their ignorantly blissful stage of holiday 'cheer ( Read more... )

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peaceinvanity December 12 2006, 06:49:37 UTC

It has been so long since I have spoken with you~
You have worked things out with Yazoo? Good, good.
He was worried about that, I think.

What is wrong with being happy, Saix? Regardless of the time of the year? There's always the same amount of people...so I do not see what is so wrong about "crowds". It is not as if people appear only during the holiday times. Or maybe they do. Just to annoy you ♥

Yazoo is with you, so Yazoo, I am sure, is fine. How are you Saix?


luna_beserker December 12 2006, 13:46:39 UTC
He was worried? Hm. Typical of him.

I tend to notice that around this time of year, the flow of imbeciles on the street increase. And if they were trying to annoy me they'd be on the recieving end of a fight.

Yes, he's fine. A little more than that actually. I am the same as always.

((OOC: strike hardly legible, but you're welcome to try. XD))


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 00:38:28 UTC
It is, I suppose.

-giggles- You're so strange Saix~
Always so gung-ho for a fight =O

I thought as much ^__^
What's that? *squints* More what?
The same as always? -sighs- Does that mean you are feeling taciturn & unpleasant? D=


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 04:49:20 UTC
I'm the strange one? And when have I showed enthusiasm towards fighting?

*sigh* Not unpleasant. Just simply here.


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 05:05:19 UTC
Yes, yes you are =O
You just always sound as if you're so ready for one =/

Are you sure? A little more..*squinting* ....*stops.* *thinks*....You two are cute ♥

Simply here??
...We need to remedy that, Saix.


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 05:14:39 UTC
Odd, coming from you.
I am always prepared, but don't look for a fight.


No. We're not.

Hmph. There is no need.


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 05:18:26 UTC
Why is odd "coming from me??" ....are you calling me strange, Saix?? *mock anger* D:
Ah~ I see. -laughs- Ridiculous still~


HA! I was guessing! I was completely guessing! But oh you said "we"~! You two are adorable~ You go together quite nicely ♥ I always sort of though Yazoo had a crush on Saix, but did not think Saix was the type for having crushes~ ^__~

Of course there is!
It is no life at all to simply exist!
...or do you mean there is no need because Yazoo has done that already?


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 05:27:55 UTC
*shakes head in annoyance* You must admit your more unorthodox than anyone else.
And its not ridiculous to be prepared.


I don't have a crush. Drop the subject.

I still see no point.
Drop it.


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 05:36:08 UTC
Oh because you are just completely orthodox, Saix. Oh yes. -nods- ^_~ ♥
But aaaallll the time? Does it not ever get tiring? D=

....Then you love him? Oh, that is so very sweet Saix ♥

You need to have fun more, Saix. Yes. Much more. Oh! That reminds me. What am I going to get you and Yazoo for Christmas~? ^__^

I can make no promises, sweet. Oh! I must not call you that now. Yazoo will be upset with me.


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 05:43:37 UTC
I'll ignore that.
It's normal for me. I don't see how it can be tiring.

*very firm* No. Love is not something I can or want to desire.

Yazoo enjoys leather. *slight shake of head* But I will not participate.

You shouldn't be calling me that at all.


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 05:51:06 UTC
I was teasing Saix. I do not care if you are weird! ♥
To always be on guard is normal? I am sorry.

But Love is very nice, Saix~. *small sigh of content*

-nods- I had noticed...
But why not? You do not have to get me anything~ I simply want to give you something ♥

And I suppose 'pet' will not fly either...


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 05:57:41 UTC
*shakes head*
No need. This is simply how I live.

You sound experienced.

Its hard not to.
I wouldn't have gotten you anything anyways. I don't celebrate this idiotic holiday.

Saix. Just Saix.


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 06:06:04 UTC
Well. At least you are...used to it, I suppose.

*small blush* No, but she is wonderful~

Very hard...-giggles-
Well fine. Do not celebrate it. But if you find a box at your house, will curiousity perhaps make you open it? X3

*SIGHS dramatically* Fine then. Just SAIX.


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 06:11:34 UTC
I see. Do I know of her?

*tries hard to not comment on it*
I'd rather throw it out.

We've been over this before, remember?


peaceinvanity December 13 2006, 06:22:08 UTC
I do not know. Her name is Celes. *smiles* ♥ Why do you ask~?

.....*small blush and says nothing, just shakes his head*
Oh but Saix! Can I not get you anything? Nothing at all? Even if it were...something useful, maybe?

...Oh. Oh we have. *laughs* I guess I did not learn, Saix~ ^_~


luna_beserker December 13 2006, 23:03:16 UTC
Curiosity. You do not strike me as one to be in a relationship.

And he wants new leather pants too... *sigh*
I despise this time of year, Kuja. I doubt any gift will make up for it.

Or perhaps you simply choose to ignore.


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